77th IETF – Anaheim, California, March 2010 Routing and Wavelength Assignment Information Encoding for Wavelength Switched Optical Networks draft-ietf-ccamp-rwa-wson-encode-04.txt Greg Bernstein gregb@grotto-networking.com Grotto Networking Young Lee ylee@huawei.com Huawei 77th IETF – Anaheim, California, March 2010
Authors/Contributors Greg Bernstein (Grotto Networking) Diego Caviglia (Ericsson) Ander Gavler (Acreo AB) Jianrui (Rebecca) Han (Huawei) Young Lee (Huawei) Dan Li (Huawei) Wataru Imajuku (NTT) Jonas Martensson (Acreo AB) Itaru Nishioka (NEC Corp.) 77th IETF – Anaheim, California, March 2010
Encoding RWA Info in WSON Scope is the WSON specific aspects of the RWA WSON Framework and Info Model drafts. (scope reduction) This document provides efficient, protocol-agnostic encodings for the WSON specific information elements. It is intended that protocol-specific documents will reference this memo to describe how information is carried for specific uses. 77th IETF – Anaheim, California, March 2010
Changes from Encoding 03.txt Removed encodings for general concepts to [Gen-Encode]. Generalized & Simplified Resource Pool Use “Resource block” terminology to refer to either wavelength converters, regenerators, or other processing “Resource blocks” can contain multiple identical resources better for encoding OEO switches, regular regenerators. Added in WSON signal compatibility and processing capability information encodings from ietf-ccamp-signal-compatibility-ospf-00. Resource block info sub-TLV Related sub-sub-TLVs: Input Modulation, Input FEC, Input Bit Rate, Input client signal types, Processing Capabilities, Output modulation types, Output FEC types. 77th IETF – Anaheim, California, March 2010
Resource Pool Information Model <Node_Info> ::= <Node_ID>[Other GMPLS sub-TLVs] [<ResourcePool>][<RBPoolState>] where <ResourcePool> ::= <ResourceBlockInfo>... [<ResourceBlockAccessibility>...] [<ResourceWaveConstraints>...] 77th IETF – Anaheim, California, March 2010
Resource Pool Encoding General Model (c) “Half Clear” (a) Shared by node (b) Shared by port (d) “Shared by Wavelength”, W=5, M=3, p=2 77th IETF – Anaheim, California, March 2010
Resource Pool Encoding (cont) (e) Shared with Local (h) OEO switch with DWDM optics (f) Shared with Local (i) Regenerators on a DWDM line (g) Shared with Local 77th IETF – Anaheim, California, March 2010
Compatibility Encoding Applied to the “Resource Block sub-TLV” Resource block info sub-TLV Addresses the compatibility and capabilities of the resources in a block. sub-sub-TLVs: Extracted from OSPF WSON compatibility draft. Resource Block Set Field Input Modulation Input FEC Input Bit Rate Input client signal types Processing Capabilities Output modulation types Output FEC types. 77th IETF – Anaheim, California, March 2010
77th IETF – Anaheim, California, March 2010 Next Steps Polish, refine, prepare for last call 77th IETF – Anaheim, California, March 2010