The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Wales
The name of the country Wales
The capital of the country Cardiff
The symbols: flag, emblem, floral symbol …
The symbols: flag, emblem, floral symbol …
The symbols: flag, emblem, floral symbol …
Geography: the geographical position of the country, weather and climate Wales is located in the west of the UK and is bordered by England. This is the place of beautiful landscapes and majestic medieval castles. The climate is mild in Wales, mostly marine. Summer is warm enough, the temperature in July is on average +16 ... +24 ° C. Winters are mild and snowy, the average January temperature is -5 ° C.
Main cities Swansea. Originally the town was the point of trading Vikings, who gave the city the name Sveinney.
Main attractions Snowdonia National Park, Caernarfon Castle, Beaumaris Castle