DSC Change Governance Review Group End to End Change Process
Proposed process for Change. Refer to process map
Recommendations Following first DSC Change Committee governance sub group meeting, following discussion and further review of the process, the following changes are recommended: Separate out ROM to be a stand-alone process DSC Change Committee can request for an EQR and BER during the Modification development process.
Considerations - EQR Stage Following production of EQR for Change Committee must adhere to CMP 4.6.12 to ensure EQR and Change Proposal do not lapse. Upon approval of EQR meet requirements of 4.6.15 but consideration to 4.6.15 (b) as would not want to amend Specific Service Change Charge Annex until such time as MOD is approved for implementation What happens with MOD process if Change Committee do not approve EQR??
Considerations - BER Stage Change Management Committee to consider how manage approval so BER? Could vote to postpone approval until a later meeting (when MOD has been approved (or not)) CMP 4.6.17. Must make a clear decision how to proceed or BER will lapse, CMP 4.6.18. BER approval stage will always be after MOD decision and BER may need to be amended following MOD decision?
Considerations Cont’d What if an alternate Modification is raised? Should MOD Process recommend a release date rather than implementation date, or both? Early indication of congestion. Should all systems impacting Modifications follow the process or Change Committee decision?? Consideration, and possible change to section 4.8.5(c) & (d) of the DSC Change Management procedures (reference 4.8.7). Costs associated with production of EQR and BER (refer to CMP 4.8.6 (c))
Assumptions The ‘Code Administrator’ or ‘Modification Proposer’ will raise the Change proposal to ChMC Only Change Management Committee can be request EQR/BER during the MOD development process (unless requested under CMP 4.8 by other parties) The Committee will make all decisions required for the EQR as per section 4.6.15 of the Change Management Procedures Other provisions stated in CMP 4.8.6 stand Sufficient information/requirements in the MOD to produce an EQR
Next Steps Agree process to recover EQR/BER costs if a MOD does not progress/get approved (stranded costs) – refer to 4.8.6 With release based delivery moving forward will BER’s be needed for each MOD/CP or expect 1 BER per release Process to develop the technical solution to progress to BER (sufficient requirements in place), who and in what group? Considerations to DSC Change Management Procedures - 4.6.18 – will have to agree as per 4.16.7 (c) Assessment of the Modification Rules to ensure proposals are not in conflict with rules. What happens to MOD process if Change Committee do not approve EQR / BER?