Chapter 1 Section 2 Forms of Government
No 2 governments are exactly alike No 2 governments are exactly alike. But, classified according to their features.
Me, Myself, and I Autocracy- government in which 1 person has all of the power 2 main types of autocracy Monarchy- king or queen rules nation Dictatorship- one leader has total control over citizens
Power to the People! Democracy- rule of the people 2 types Representative democracy- citizens elect leaders to represent rights & interests Direct democracy- Citizens are directly involved in working of government
We, Ourselves, and…um…US Oligarchy- small group has all of the power Noble families Military officers- Junta
Forms of Government Monarchy- Rule of one person Mono- one, single Archy- rule Monopoly, monogamy, monicle Oligarchy- Rule of few people Olig- few, small, scant Oligopoly Democracy- Rule of the people Demo (Δῆμος)- people crat (krátos)- rule, force, power Demographics, demonstrate
Classifying Governments How do political scientists classify governments? 3 important & useful features classify governments Who can participate in governing process? The geographic distribution of governmental power w/in the state The relationship between the legislative & executive branches of government
Who Can Participate Supreme political authority rests w/ the people Democracy Dictatorship Supreme political authority rests w/ the people People hold sovereign power & government conducted only by consent of people Can be direct or indirect Direct-the people directly make and enforce laws Indirect- representative democracy, small group of chosen people make and enforce laws Supreme political authority rests w/ the ruler Rulers not accountable for policies & how they are carried out Autocracy- government where single person holds unlimited power Oligarchy- rule by small and usually self appointed elite Authoritarian- authority over people Militaristic-
Geographic Distribution of Powers Where is power to govern located? 3 basic forms Unitary- all powers held by government belong to a single, central agency (centralized government Not the same as dictatorship Great Britain Federal- powers of government divided between central & local governments A superior authority makes division of powers Australia, Canada, Mexico, Germany, India Confederate- Alliance of independent states Central power is limited-states assign central gov. power Which form does the U.S. use?
Relationship Between Legislative & Executive Branches Presidential Parliamentary Separation of powers between executive & legislative branches 2 branches independent & coequal President (chief executive) chosen separately of legislature Holds office fixed term Executive made of Prime Minister or Premier, & their cabinet Prime minister & cabinet members of legislative & executive branches Prime minister chosen by that party Stay in office as long as support of majority in parliament No checks and balances