After Share All the materials/resources/handouts/powerpts will be on here for your reference So will samples we make today if you wish to share
Introductions Sumeet Ghtaura Provincial Teacher Elyssa Derban
Your role in the district What your goal is for this session Introductions cont. Take turns introducing yourselves to the person next to you. Start with: Your name Your role in the district What your goal is for this session Ice breaker
Learning Objectives Understanding how to use the apps Applying these apps to Adrienne Gear’s RP/WP strategies
FIPPA (Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act of BC) -frames the conditions under which a ‘Public Body’ can collect, use and discloses personal information Why is this important today for this on-line training? Apps we use can offer storage and sharing options that require cloud storage. Many cloud services store data outside of Canada Cloud Services can potentially share personal information If you are going to use of this tool (with students or for school purposes)– you need know the policies in place in your district
After Share All the materials/resources/handouts/powerpts will be on here for your reference So will samples we make today if you wish to share
One top-pick book per strategy Demonstrate One app per strategy One top-pick book per strategy Demonstrate Use the app to create a sample for your students Brainstorm Basic skills for iPad use such as camera, Airdrop, speech-to-text and text-to-speech Optional taskcards if you want to explore alternative apps that are very similar Show and tell after each strategy
What other RP and WP strategies could this app be used for? Brainstorming What other RP and WP strategies could this app be used for? In your small groups, brainstorm to see how else this app can be used to support RP and WP
Connecting Reading Connect to a feeling p. 45 Text to self, text to text, text to world p. 46 Writing Connecting to feelings p. 62 The Party by Barbara Reid Strategy Read Story Tellagami (use camera feature, and saving a picture from internet) How its connected to reading and writing Show and tell Charttime This is one example
Try Tellagami Use the Camera Connecting cont… Strategy Read Story Tellagami (use camera feature, and saving a picture from internet) How its connected to reading and writing Show and tell Charttime
What other RP and WP strategies could this app be used for? Brainstorming What other RP and WP strategies could this app be used for? In your small groups, brainstorm to see how else this app can be used to support RP and WP
Questioning Reading If…web p. 62 Writing Deep thinking questions , questions about life p. 114 Stranger in the Mirror by Allen Say Strategy Read Story Popplet ((Speech to text demonstration) How its connected to reading and writing Show and tell Charttime
Try Popplet Dictate Questioning cont. Strategy Read Story Popplet ((Speech to text demonstration) How its connected to reading and writing Show and tell Charttime
What other RP and WP strategies could this app be used for? Brainstorming What other RP and WP strategies could this app be used for? In your small groups, brainstorm to see how else this app can be used to support RP and WP
Visualize Reading Listening for picture words p. 80 Writing Visualizing Weather p. 88 The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats Strategy Read Story Skitch How its connected to reading and writing Show and tell Charttime
Visualize cont. Try Skitch Strategy Read Story Skitch How its connected to reading and writing Show and tell Charttime
What other RP and WP strategies could this app be used for? Brainstorming What other RP and WP strategies could this app be used for? In your small groups, brainstorm to see how else this app can be used to support RP and WP
Infer Reading Talking and Thinking Bubbles p. 91 Writing Inferring a moral p 124-125, fable planning sheet p. 137-138 The Sweetest Fig by Chris Van Allsburg Strategy Read Story Book Creator (TTS- speak selection and speak screen) How its connected to reading and writing Show and tell Charttime
Infer cont. Try Book Creator Speech/Speak Screen Strategy Read Story Book Creator (TTS- speak selection and speak screen) How its connected to reading and writing Show and tell Charttime
What other RP and WP strategies could this app be used for? Brainstorming What other RP and WP strategies could this app be used for? In your small groups, brainstorm to see how else this app can be used to support RP and WP
Transform Reading Making a Difference p. 109 In the story the world is a better place because… I could make the world a better place by… Writing Transforming thinking about determination and overcoming adversity p.157 Story box p. 158 The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds Strategy Read Story Shadow Puppet (airdrop demo as a pdf) How its connected to reading and writing Show and tell Charttime
Transform cont. Try Shadow Puppet Strategy Read Story Shadow Puppet (airdrop demo as a pdf) How its connected to reading and writing Show and tell Charttime
Writing Power Writing Inferring from Pictures p. 130, p. 141 Practicing Organizing ideas 6+1 writing traits Tuesday by David Wiesner
Writing Power Try Adobe Spark Video
What other RP and WP strategies could this app be used for? Brainstorming What other RP and WP strategies could this app be used for? In your small groups, brainstorm to see how else this app can be used to support RP and WP
Brainstorming Your student’s needs Planning Lets talk about what will be the most useful What are your students needs? Brainstorm together what their plan would be Pair up
Wrap up Aftershare Post-Training Survey Post-Training Survey