6/16/2018 Marketing Plan Your Name
Executive Summary Summarize the opportunity One or two sentence statement of opportunity Provide an overview of the plan that you will implement Document the total 5 year business improvement in Sales Market share Profit
Situation Analysis The Market 6/16/2018 Situation Analysis The Market Market: Past, present, and future Market size and growth rate – past and expected future growth rates Major customer or market needs Macro-trends impacting the market Current company or segment market share and market position(e.g. leader, follower, challenger) Major competitors
Situation Analysis The Competition Who are the key competitors What are their significant competitive products Where does there seem to be an opportunity to compete?
Situation Analysis: SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Marketing Strategy Objectives Mission Statement Marketing objectives (e.g. market share) One year financial objective (e.g. revenues, profits, growth rate) Marketing Strategy – HOW will the business achieve these goals?
Segment – Target – Position 6/16/2018 Segment – Target – Position Segmentation Choices for this Market Why is this the relevant choice Target Segment(s) Why is this the most attractive segment Estimated segment size Positioning of product or service Statement that distinctly defines the product in its market and against its competition over time Consumer promise or value proposition Statement summarizing the benefit of the product or service to the consumer
Product (Service) Strategy 6/16/2018 Product (Service) Strategy Describe the product or service being marketed. Topics should include, for instance New product, or product line extension Product attributes Product benefits Product packaging Product warranties, etc
Price Strategy Which of the common pricing strategies will be followed Why What is the initial offering price What is the plan for future price changes
Distribution Strategies 6/16/2018 Distribution Strategies Distribution strategy Channels of distribution Summarize channels of distribution Distribution by channel Show plan of what percent share of distribution will be contributed by each channel – a pie chart might be helpful
Communication Strategy What are the communication strategies for generating awareness, trial, and adoption? How are these strategies best suited for the target market?
Financials Forecasting method used (Ch 3) Why chosen Projected Income Statement Base Year Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Full Year Sales Revenue COGS Gross Profit SG&A New marketing expenses New R&D expense Operating Income
Implementation Controls 6/16/2018 Implementation Controls First year goals Additional year goals Measures of success/failure (ie.what metrics will be tracked?) Requirements for success For instance, what support needed from other departments
6/16/2018 Contingency Plan Contingency plans if plan if metrics are not meeting goals?