Integrating Library Resources Into the Online Teaching Xiwen Zhang California State University, San Bernardino
Overview LMS and new opportunities/challenges for libraries Case 1: Integrating library resources into Blackboard courses and the Outreach Activities at CSUSB Case 2: Experience with a 3-country e-learn project Results and Problems
Learning Management Systems (LMS) Learning Management Systems (such as Blackboard & WebCT) are increasingly being used to enhance online learning. California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB) has more than 600 Blackboard courses.
Opportunities for the Library Blackboard Offers Library Digital Asset Management to incorporate library resources in course preparation. LMS enhanced courses could have direct access to library resources and services.
New Opportunities Provide the electronic resources and services at students’ point of access Working collaboratively with faculty
Survey of CSU Librarians All California State University (CSU) librarians serving in Reference and Library Instruction Conducted in December 2005 and January 2006 86 Respondents 20 of 23 campuses responded Reference: Pamela Jackson, San Diego State University 4/2006
How to Include the Library in LMS? (Pamela Jackson)
Barriers (Pamela Jackson)
Librarians’ New Role Academic libraries must participate in the Learning Management Systems to help students in accessing library resources in e-learning environment.
Integrating Library Resources into Blackboard Links to customized subject-specific library electronic resources Databases Articles E-journals E-Books Online catalog search results
Library Presence in LMS
Link to Subscription Databases
Link to Articles
Link to Subject Specific E-Journals
Link to E-book Chapters
Link to Citation Guide
Integrating Library Services Interlibrary Loan services Electronic-reserves Services E-mail questions to librarians 24/7 virtual reference desk Students charting with a librarian while they are logged into their Blackboard courses.
Library Services on Blackboard
Integrating Guides/Tutorials for Developing Research Skills Enhance information literacy Integrating research guides Integrating online tutorials Research skills test on Blackboard
Research Guides/Tutorials
Research Skill Guides
Case 1 CSUSB Getting approval of the Academic Affairs Council Designing subject specific resources as zip files on the library home page for faculty members
Faculty Training Workshops 2006 Fall TRC workshop 2007 Fall TRC workshop Showing the library resources on Blackboard A step-by-step hands on (using Stable URL) Importing library resources from a zip file
Outreach Activities Presenting at college Deans' meetings to reach out to department chairs Invited by department chairs to reach out to faculty members Presentations at department seminars Collaboration with faculty members
Importing Library Resources
Step-by-step Guides on the Library Home Page Developing step-by-step guides on how to integrate library resources and services into Blackboard courses Guides on the library home page Linking to Pfau Library Resources Online Integrating Library Resources Into Your Blackboard Courses
Working with IT people Academic Computing & Media (using library resources as example for the Blackboard training) Working with the Office of Distributed Learning to add a Library tab on Blackboard
Results & Benefits Increased visibility of the library's resources and services One–stop-shopping for students to use linked library resources in LMS Accessible from anywhere at any time
Challenges Customized library resources for different disciplines Getting the permission to add a library tab to Blackboard for all courses
Case 2 Vines and Wines Project A 3-country online teaching and larning project (US, China & Argentina) Comparing the Grape Industries of Central California with those of Mendoza Province, Argentina and Yunnan Province, China Project funded by The Agricultural Research Initiative CSU Commission on the Extended University.
Chapter 1 Information Literacy
Using National Library Online Catalogs: Chinese Students
Using National Library Online Catalogs: Argentine Students
Using US Catalog--Melvyl
Finding Articles-- Ingenta
Internet Search Engines
Online Test: Library Skills