WP9 Report & Outlook RWL Jones RAL 10 May 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

WP9 Report & Outlook RWL Jones RAL 10 May 2009

Project Structure in Proposal 2010-2013 Task FTE-years 1 Initial tools for large pile-up studies 0.97 2 Short strip simulation 3.39 3 Pixel simulation 1.2 4 Fast simulation 0.9 5 Radiation simulation verification 3.05 6 Visualisation 7 Near term computing and optimisation 1.84 8 GPU and parallelisation (simulation & tracking) 1.73 9 Analysis parallelisation 1.236 10 Virtualisation 2.025 11 GPU/CE development 1.787 Roger Jones, Lancaster University

Effect of Descope etc PPGP recommended delay in GPU etc Work in this area descoped. GPU work for HLT, minimum level to allow work later Tasks rationalized Some WP1 effort redeployed into simulation Pixel simulation priority increased after discussion RG 15% cut mainly affects academic time Usually HEFCE funded, but increased risk Deliverables do not change

Roger Jones, Lancaster University WP9 revised 2010-2013 Task FTE-years 1 Initial tools for large pile-up studies 0.87 2 Short strip simulation 2.49 3 Pixel simulation 4.1 4 Fast simulation 0.875 5 Radiation simulation verification 2.83 6 Visualization 7 Frameworks & optimization, Technology & ADC interface 1.44 8 Project Management 0.1 Roger Jones, Lancaster University

Start-up Issues The delayed start to the funded project had large impacts Strip simulation continued from the previous project, but retention of effort was compromised by the uncertainty The same was true for the radiation environment work Fast simulation and visualization began in October Pixel simulation new effort is only coming online now

Simulation Deliverables and Milestones Simulation tools for the LoI Pileup tools (Sep 2011) Strip and pixel simulation release for LoI (Dec 2011) Initial Atlfast modifications and tune for large pileup and new detectors (Dec 2011) Simulation tools for the design proposals Upgrade simulation as default with Atlfast tuned for design proposal studies (Mar 2013) Deisgn proposal pixel simulation (Jan 2013) Automated tuning procedure for Atlfast (Sept 2012)

& the upgrade in general Simulation Framework activities Framework development Made robust and being adapted to incorporate new geometries Progress towards supporting new, radical, geometries (but this is an ongoing development activity) Advances in efficient handling of pile-up Reduced memory requirement for digitisation Note: Phil Clark as Simulation Co-ordinator helps greatly our influence & the upgrade in general

Sim framework capabilities “Utopia” study layout has been fairly stable over the last year Utopia variants which are straightforward in upgrade simulation / reconstruction framework: Add/remove barrel layers, move in r A number of services recalculated automatically Duplicate endcaps, add/remove rings Strip endcaps in rings, not petals (pixels remain rings) Volume clashes, overlaps/gaps can be tricky Sensor separations (staves), stereo angles Sensor granularity Material composition, density Additional service material Respacing larger pixel system rz hitmaps for efficiency studies in Utopia variants Effect of replacing SS with pixel layer

Simulation framework μ in 400 pileup Forward µ μ in 400 pileup Studies with 400 pileup in “Utopia” Fake rate in endcaps ~ O(1)% Forward electron efficiency, fake rate This uses “normal” tracking – study should be repeated with specialized electron tracking Tracking configuration tends to follow that for heavy ion analysis In Oxford before Sep 2010 200 pileup looks more manageable Electrons 400 pileup

Strips simulation Strip subdivision reduces fake rate 11 hits required Strip subdivision reduces fake rate Effect noticed in barrel when changing 9cm LS to 2.5cm Similar effect seen in endcap This is region with high occupancy, so shorter strips have noticeable benefit Current simulation still uses ring geometry of current ATLAS rather than “petals” being considered for upgrade Petals potentially more modular, less material Parameteric modifications allow simulation of petal-like geometry within upgrade s/w infrastructure, but digitization and reconstruction require considerable work – lower priority at this time Muons in “Utopia” layout, 400 pileup Subdivided endcap strips (UK + DESY) One ring of “petals”

Strips simulation (2) occupancy occupancy R (mm)‏ Different questions for 200 pileup Is everything easy now? Can we scale back anything? Track quality cuts, detectors, technical difficulties Note that occupancy still exceeds 2% in forward regions Robustness Machine scenarios continue to evolve: will we go above 200 again? 400 pileup with Utopia layout looks challenging and uncomfortable for basic reconstruction occupancy occupancy R (mm)‏ (Tseng/Oxford)

Pixel simulation status Producing suite of performance plots (hitmap / occupancy shown on right for baseline SLHC pixel detector) Used only student & academic effort to date, due to project start delay. Appointed, new STFC PDRA (26/4/11) Priority, now are studies of possible Pixel replacement scenarios. Plans: study existing ATLAS detector under high pileup vs. replacement reduced material / high resolution pixel device (initial progress next slide)

Reduced material Pixel Detector muons electrons Preliminary d0 resolution study (still requires understanding) pions 5/9 3

UK upgrade simulation plans New upgrade RA’s coming online Edinburgh hired earlier this year, just starting Oxford post application deadline just closed Academic effort front-loaded to cover gap and maintain UK leadership Sep 2011 Pileup tools Upgrade software integrated into standard development Delay implies more maintenance effort for separate release, and greater integration effort later IBL+pixels study under 2018-2022 conditions High priority for ATLAS Risk to ATLAS planning before LHC RRB Risk to continued leadership and leading roles in upgrade design effort Dec 2011 Strip and pixel simulation release for LoI Initial Atlfast modifications and tune for large pileup and new detectors For both, reduced effort increases likelihood of delay For Atlfast, delay may jeopardize use in subsequent physics studies Mar 2012 Narrow IBL + pixel designs for LoI High priority for ATLAS Reduced effort risks planning delay, risk to ongoing leadership and roles Strip designs adjusted in light of 2018 detector plans (also needed for LoI) Similar planning risks from possible delay Sep 2012 Basic performance study of full ID upgrade options Automated tuning procedure for Atlfast Jan 2013 TDR pixel simulation Mar 2013 Upgrade simulation as default Atlfast tune for TDR studies

Visualization Deliverables and milestones Visualization for Upgrade design proposals LoI detector geometry implemented (December 2011) Performance profiling and optimization for high luminosity (July 2012) Atlantis release for design proposal with proposed detector (March 2013)

Visualisation Milestones and smaller steps LoI detector geometry implemented (December 2011) document procedure for implementing new geometry in Atlantis (to do) update geometry as required (to do) (Requires client decisions, but is then short to complete) Performance profiling and optimization for high luminosity (July 2012) implement testing framework (JUnit) in Atlantis build file (in progress) investigate profiling tools for speed, CPU usage, memory (in progress) construct suite of profiling tests and test data (to do) identify bottlenecks and other problems (to do) investigate ways of improving performance (to do) Atlantis release for TDR with TDR detector (March 2013) update geometry (to do) incorporate selected improvements (to do) Effect of reduced effort Geometry must be updated – reductions will hamper this Less time for optimization Overall risk to the delivery and quality of the end-of-project deliverables

Radiation Deliverables and Milestones Validated radiation model for upgrade Apr-2011 Validation of 7TeV inner detector fluences and doses March 2012 Validation of 7TeV cavern fluences and impact for ATLAS Upgrade  March 2013 Radiological assessment and proposals for inner detector operations

Radiation backgrounds: simulation and validation RA from previous project lost because of funding uncertainty – just being replaced Focus in past 12 months on analysing ATLAS 7 TeV LHC data to allow comparison of Monte Carlo simulations with measurements. Nearly complete, results and conclusion to be published in next few months. Impressive (unprecedented!) level of benchmarking of complex multi-particle radiation environment covering energies from TeV -> thermal for neutrons. Important not only for accurate Atlas upgrade simulations, but also predicting SCT performance.

Future Plans Bulk of work to be performed by new WP9 radiation background post-holder to start 1st June. (Grant confirmation December, interviews March, start date June 1st) Tasks to be performed include: New tracker upgrade simulations in response to layout changes (see next slide). Simulation studies to investigate impact of machine or experiment upgrades, such as the installation of a mini-FCAL, that will impact inner tracker fluences and doses. Cavern background related studies – comparison of simulation with dedicated neutron + photon detector systems installed in and around ATLAS cavern. Radiological assessment and proposals to minimise dose rates to SCT personnel from radio-activation during inner detector access Simulations will use FLUKA Monte Carlo – powerful code for simulating radiation background environments, from TeV -> thermal neutron energies. Unique experience and expertise at Sheffield. Possible collaboration with wider effort to use FLUGG, an interface of FLUKA physics to G4 geometry description.

Example upgrade radiation simulations New tracker layouts implemented in FLUKA and 1 MeV fluences determined which are used to predict silicon leakage currents, which in turn are used to predict detector performance.

Optimization, parallelization, frameworks and interfaces Performant parallelized code for Grid usage AthenaMP on the Grid August 2011 Parallelized analysis study Apr 2012 Optimized parallelized code release march 2013

Future computing technologies Used summer students etc to mitigate effects of project delays. Selected exemplar codes for parallelisation studies Geant4 stepping in EM field is particularly slow in ATLAS so studied this (shown right) New hire: Robert Harrington (subject to work permit application being successful). Estimated start date 1st July 2011 Project delays have severely risked UK lead. Figure: parallelised numerical integration of Geant4 stepping of particles in EM field

WP8 & WP9: Use of GPU in the HLT Factor 35 speed-up for L2 Zfinder running on GPU Measure possible speed-up of L2 code on GPU c.f. CPU Ported HLT code to GPU: Zfinder Track Fitter Measure execution times c.f. CPU Next steps: Increase parallelisation of fitter Add: Data preparation Pattern Recognition => Complete tracking chain on GPU GPU – Fermi L2 tracking has the following steps: Data preparation : converts raw data to hits, then clusters and spacepoints Zfinder : takes pairs or triplets of points and calculates & histograms the intercept with the z-axis Pattern recognition : two stage histogramming method Fitter : fit to points to extract track parameters Have impemented Zfinder (Edinburgh) and fitter (RAL) on Graphical Processor units Rewriting C++ code in C-like CUDA language Re-written so as to benefit from parallel execution in GPUs Timed on two different GPU architectures (Tesla and Fermi) Large speed up for Zfinder Not to large for fitter, but thats because we use per-track parallelistation and are not yet fully exploiting the GPU. Next step is to increase parallesiation (at hit -pairlevel rather than track) Will now implemented 2 missing steps : Data prepartion and pat rec To implement complete chain ~factor 10 speed up for Fermi GPU GPU time almost flat

Parallel track fitting (Kalman Filter) Requirement capture of ways to parallelise the ATLAS HLT Kalman filter and prototype design. Then technology/knowledge transfer to WP8 (HLT), where substantial performance gain demonstrated.

Multiprocessors Work ongoing on putting AthenaMP on Grid Makes more optimal use of all cores on a node Big improvement in throughput & memory per process Test queues at RAL and Edinburgh established for ‘whole node’ scheduling Commissioning studies to finish in July Subsequent optimisation Next phase Exploit the same ideas in the simulation Get AthenaMP into general production This area very limited with remaining effort Seeking support via generic bids

Summary The main focus is on simulations of various sorts This supports all other WPs We need to be careful to distinguish simulation from performance studies using simulation! Good progress despite hiring/retention issues Future technologies etc severely reduced Attempting to continue this work, partly by other means