Green Local Schools 5 year forecast October – FY18
Revenue Originally I had a 2.4% increase in real estate collections Summit County went through re-appraisal in this calendar year This will happen again in 2020 & 2023 Summit County auditor certified 7.8% increase 3 year history shows Green at 3.1% increase Includes general property tax, public utility, and rollback homestead lines What has changed from May’s forecast? Originally I had a 2.4% increase in real estate collections We receive additional dollars for new construction for the levies that are not “fixed sum” Forecast increase of $161K (less than 1% change)
Revenue Unrestricted – state aid 31.7% FY18 per student $6010 Our state share is $2253 Census data and historical counts Back on transitional guarantee…for now What has changed from May’s forecast? There are 27 more students than last year We are 1.77 students away from being flipped to a formula district Forecast increase of $271,698 – a 2.15% increase
Revenue Restricted – state aid 0.3% Economically disadvantaged $ Career-Tech students Catastrophic costs What has changed from May’s forecast? Catastrophic reimbursement is now coded here If a student costs more than $26K – we can apply for a reimbursement Forecast increase of $57K – reflects the estimate of past payments
Revenue Other – 7.1% Investments TIF/CRA payments Medicare Reimbursement Investments TIF/CRA payments What has changed from May’s forecast? One time payment from the City of Green - $729K Settlement for future TIF’ed parcels at 85% of revenue uncollected
Expenses Salaries – 60.1% 3 unions – settled this past spring and summer Non- represented and admin. staff receive same increases What has changed from May’s forecast? Less than one tenth of 1% reduction in salary estimates based on replacement of staff Reduction of $21K in the forecast
Expenses Fringe Benefits – 22.5% State Retirement systems, Medicare, and workers comp. Medical, prescription, and dental History of premium holidays and annual increases What has changed from May’s forecast? Workers’ Comp shift – one time annual increase of $125K 7 additional staff members –added to insurance plan Total increase – $300K
Total Changes Revenue has increased 3% from the May forecast update State Aid TIF settlement from the City Expenses have increased 0.61% from the May forecast update Workers Comp Additional medical insurance plans
Future considerations 2 biennium budgets that are unknown in this forecast A possible (and likely) increase in premium holidays & smaller premium increases than forecasted Salaries and Fringe Benefit costs will exceed 85% in year 5 of the forecast without the above insurance holidays ~ will be addressed A 4.1 million dollar levy will expire at the end of 2019 and will need to be presented to the voters in order to be in a positive balance after 2020 Ohio Department of Education focuses on the first 2 years of the forecast ~ too many unknowns by year 3 for districts
Bottom Line 2018$11,152,233 2019$ 9,729,163 2020$ 6,750,886 2021$ 2,426,121 2022$(3,393,672)