INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA Hanoi, 15 April 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA Hanoi, 15 April 2014

Outline WGEA membership and functioning 2014 – 2016 work plan project plans Activities of INTOSAI WGEA Secretariat Next Activities The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAO WGEA, Hanoi, 15 – 17 April 2014

WGEA membership and functioning 77 member SAIs - newest member: Bahama, Iraq, Nigeria WGEA Steering Committee: Argentina, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, China, Czech Republic, European Court of Auditors, Egypt, Estonia, India, Indonesia, Lesotho, Morocco, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, United States Coordinators of RWGEAs: - ACAG/PASAI: New Zealand - AFROSAI: Cameroon - ARABOSAI: Egypt - ASOSAI: China - EUROSAI: Norway - OLACEFS: Argentina The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA, Hanoi, 15 – 17 April 2014

2014-2016 WP project plans NO PROJECTS LEADERS Research project 1 Renewable energy Morocco and Indonesia 2 Energy saving Czech Republic 3 Environmental assesment Canada and India 4 Market based instruments for environmental protection and management Estonia 5 Greening the SAIs India 6 Marine environment Auditing government responses to a marine environment impacted by climate change: Creative and innovative strategies used by SAIs USA 7 How to increase the quality and impact of environmental audits Lesotho and Cameroon The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA, Hanoi, 15 – 17 April 2014

2014-2016 WP project plans NO PROJECTS LEADERS 8 Update the INTOSAI WGEA 2004 guidance material on Towards Auditing Waste Management Norway 9 Review the four ISSAI documents on environmental audit Indonesia and Brazil a. ISSAI 5110: Guidance on Conducting Audits of Activities with an Environmental Perspective, 2001 ECA b. ISSAI 5120: Environmental Audit & Regularity Auditing, 2004 c. ISSAI 5130: Sustainable Development: The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions, 2004 Canada d. ISSAI 5140: How SAIs May Co-operate on the Audit of International Environmental Accords, 1998 Philippines The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA, Hanoi, 15 – 17 April 2014

2014-2016 WP project plans Greenlines a resource that updates the members of the Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) on the status of their activities and other developments in environmental auditing provides a summary of the current activities and initiatives of the Working Group to the members of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and the general public. Annual training in Global training facilities Modules for training developed in conjunction with INTOSAI WGEA GTF project sub committee members (Climate change: Norway, Sustainable development: Estonia, Water: USA, Waste: India and Biodiversity: Brazil) Dissemination of training module of forestry To provide knowledge for SAI’s auditors the principles of Sustainable Forest Management To guide SAI’s auditors how to utilize the WGEA Guidance in Forestry Auditing and other resources To share auditors’ experiences and practices in auditing the forestry sector The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA, Hanoi, 15 – 17 April 2014

Activities of WGEA Secretariat Transfer of WGEA Website from Estonia to Indonesia First international training course in Environmental auditing in Global Training Facility iCED di Jaipur, India, 8 – 13 Desember 2013 Enhance the cooperation with RWGEA The XII Annual meeting of COMTEMA in Buenos Aires, Argentine, 28 March 2014 The 13th Steering Committee Meeting of INTOSAI WGEA in Lombok, Indonesia, 2 – 5 April 2014 Approval toward project plan of WGEA projects The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA, Hanoi, 15 – 17 April 2014

Activities of WGEA Secretariat Provide on-going communication and to strengthen the cooperation with external organization Observer on Sustainable Innovation Forum di Warsawa, Polandia, 19 –25 November 2013 Panelist on the1st Asia and pacific International Colloquium on Environmental Rule of law-Defining a New Future for Environmental Justice, Governance and Law in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11 – 12 Desember 2013 Upload the translation of Arabic version WGEA Guidelines conducted by ARABOSAI WGEA (coordinated by SAI of Egypt) The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA, Hanoi, Hanoi, 15 – 17 April 2014

Activities of WGEA Secretariat The 13th Steering Committee Meeting Objective to discuss and approve the project plans of INTOSAI WGEA including its milestone Delegates 38 delegates, consisting of 16 SAIs (member of SC Meeting) and 1 SAI as an abserver (SAI of Iraq) Output Agreed project plan consisiting 7 research papers, 4 ISSAIs review projects, updating the guidance toward waste management, Greenlines, The 2nd environmental training on Global Training Fasiities India and dissemination of training module on auditing forestry. The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA, Hanoi, Hanoi, 15 – 17 April 2014

Next Activities The annual audit collection on May 2014 (submission by September 2014) Sending out an email requesting the audit collection : April 2014 Deadline for the submission : September 2014 Uploading the reports : October 2014 The 8th environmental audit survey on early 2015 (submission by April 2015) Drafting the survey : April – June 2014 Requesting comment SC members : July – September 2014 Finalizing the survey : Sept – Nov 2014 Translating the survey into other languages : Dec 2014 – Jan 2015 Send the survey out to all INTOSAI members : February 2015 Deadline for survey submission to Secretariat : 1 April 2015 Analyzing the survey result : April – June 2015 Writing the report : July 2015 Publishing the report on WGEA website : September 2015 The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA, Hanoi, 15 – 17 April 2014

Next Activities Greenlines will be published by June 2014 The US GAO as the project leader has sent an email to all member of INTOSAI WGEA requesting information to be published in the upcoming Greenlines The 2nd programme of the GTF on “Introduction to Environment Audit” India to be held on 14 – 27 November 2014 in Global Training Facility Jaipur India The invitation will be sent out soon (April 2014) Application would close by end of August 2014 No more than 30 participants The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA, Hanoi, 15 – 17 April 2014

Next Activities Dissemination of Training Module in Forestry Auditing to be held on 7 – 13 September 2014 (tentatively) in Indonesia Targeted participants: Auditors from any SAI that previously have experiences in auditing, at least 2 years Topics to be delivered (6-day training, incl. 1-day excursion) Methodology consisting of class and group discussion, exercises, case studies and field trip (practising geo spatial tools) Sending out the invitation to participants in June 2014 Application would close on 31 July 2014 Assembly Meeting The aims is to report the progress of project plan to the INTOSAI WGEA members To be held on 29 September to 3 October 2014 in Philippines Consisting of plenary session and parallel session Inviting subject matter expert on specific themes. The 5th Seminar on Environmental Auditing and 4th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA, Hanoi, 15 – 17 April 2014

Thank you