The challenges to be met Present conditions and future prospects of the Hungarian education system The challenges to be met a short outline András Forgács, HUNGARY OCTOBER, 2005
Developments affecting Hungarian education and training and their environment Demographic trends fall in birth rates, aging population Innovation, knowledge based economy becoming primary factor of competitiveness Primary role of the quality of human resources in knowledge creation, transmission and application of knowledge Growing pace of the obsolescence of knowledge, increased relevance of skills and competencies on the labour market Steady increase of social and individual costs of learning Slow and erratic response of the education system to labour market demands Growing demand within the society and among individuals toward acquiring a higher level of qualification Growing disparities in access to quality education and education services Selectivity of the education system, reproduction of social differences Difficult access to education and VET in geographically remote areas Changing patterns of learning Extension of the period of time spent in the education system Widespread use of ICT Large dissemination of new forms of learning Very low participation in adult learning
Imperative need for change Hungary must better and quicker adapt to the new socio-economic and technological developments on the international arena. Priority must be given to improve competitive potential of the country Human resources components of Hungary’s international competitiveness are gradually depleting, Hungary is losing ground Above all human factors of the innovation process (creation of knowledge, transmission and application of knowledge) must be strengthened Education and training in a large sense are to play a key role in this endeavour, therefore steps are to be taken these sectors should more effectively contribute to the change
Necessity for a new approach The challenges Future tasks Similarity with problems European education systems are confronted with and similarity with the „remedies” sought Enhancing quality, effectiveness, efficiency Strengthening contribution of education and training to equal opportunities Ensuring access to education and training for all Establishing close links between school and the world of labour Creating an up to date learning environment Strengthening the role and participation primarily of the higher education in the innovation process New governance Enhancing international competitiveness of higher education
The answers, a few dilemmas To have a vision: development, adoption and implementation of sectoral strategies (LLL, Public Education, VE, Hungarian Universitas progr.) A few dilemmas: How to improve efficiency of public education? How to carry on the integration of young Roma people into mainstream schools? How to implement comprehensive reform policies while fully respecting local autonomy? How to enhance citizens cost-sharing willingness? How to increase the level of investments in education and training without increasing the financial burden of the State (PPP, VET contribution)? How to improve governance, partnership, inter-sectoral approach?