Lesson plan Grade Level: 11 Subject: Health Date: 08.02.2012 Duration: 40 min
Objectives and Goals: Students will be able to.... Identify: proverbs and idioms relating to health List: some of the most important words used when talking about the Health and Healthcare. Discuss: about the importance of health Use: idioms, proverbs and words relating to health in their speech Lesson sequence Required Materials and Equipment Approximate time Introduction To introduce the lesson topic To set out the objectives of the lesson. Interactive board PPP 5 min Warm-up To discuss the importance of health To match the parts of proverbs (Explain their meanings) To guess the meanings of idioms (Try to explain them with the help of examples) 10 min Presentation To distribute words according to the following groups: Illness, treatment, people, place. Cards with words relating to health, stickers. Practice To make up sentences using words in random cards Cards with words, idioms and proverbs 3 min Production To give presentation on an invented medicine Students` presentations 12 min Assessment and Follow-Up To review objectives of the lesson To assess students according to the criteria Feedback and self assessment To give homework
Health is better than wealth
Lesson objectives: Identify: proverbs and idioms relating to health List: some of the most important words used when talking about the Health and Healthcare. Discuss: about the importance of health Use: idioms, proverbs and words relating to health in the speech
Homework (Presentation) Participation Assessment Homework (Presentation) Participation
Plan of the lesson: To learn proverbs and idioms relating to health To work with words relating to health and healthcare To give presentation on the “Magic medicine”
Proverbs relating to Health a) drink with measure Prevention b) is the greatest wealth. The wealth c) is better than cure. An apple a day d) is health. Eat at pleasure e) keeps the doctor away
Idioms relating to health kick the bucket under the weather up and about
Idioms relating to health right as rain a hangover my dogs are barking
kick the bucket "He will inherit when his grandfather kicks the bucket."
"I'm not going to the party. I'm a bit under the weather today."
up and about “He was kept in hospital for a week but he's up and about again."
right as rain "I called to see my grandmother, thinking she was ill, but she was (as) right as rain!”
I have a dreadful hangover. I drank too much alcohol last night. a hangover I have a dreadful hangover. I drank too much alcohol last night.
"I've been shopping all day. My dogs are barking."
Classify the given words to the following groups: Illness Treatment Place People
Illness Sore throat Headache Toothache Cancer Cold Cough The Flu Chickenpox
Treatment Check-up Drugs Injection Medicine Operation Pain-killer Pill Tranquilizer
Place Hospital Operating room Surgery Waiting room Ward Pharmacy
People Dentist Doctor General practitioner Midwife Nurse Patient Specialist Surgeon
Lesson objectives: Identify: proverbs and idioms relating to health List: some of the most important words used when talking about the Health and Healthcare. Discuss: about the importance of health Use: idioms, proverbs and words relating to health in the speech
Self assessment