2016-2017 6 Monday 3/20 Wednesday 3/22 Friday 3/24 Tuesday 3/28 Introductory Activitiy 1. Discuss classroom expectations 2. Human Bingo: -Round 1: Horizontal bingo -Round 2: Vertical bingo -Round 3: Diagonal 3. Whole group discussion to follow 5 Basic Needs -”Introduction to 5 Basic Needs” PP -Introduce “My Needs Handout Activity” & rubric -”My Needs” due next class period 5 Basic Needs Review -My Needs Handout Due -Carousel Activity: Students share their “My Needs” circle with others -”What is Health?” PP Heath Triangle -Share “Health Triangle PP” -Complete “Applying Health Skills ws” -Whole group discussion Heath Triangle -Use “Health Triangle Activity” PP -Students complete handout, draw their own health triangle, and then reflect on what they discovered. -”My Health Triangle ws” due next class period Health 6 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Thursday 3/30 Monday 4/3 Wednesday 4/5 Friday 4/7 Tuesday 4/11 -My Health Triangle ws due Heath Triangle -Review: Complete “The Health Triangle Review” ws -Whole group discussion -Students complete Exit Ticket Heath Triangle -Test Healthy Teenager Activity -Students draw a healthy teenager Nutrition 5 Food Groups Materials needed: whiteboard & maker -”Nutrition: 5 Food Groups” PP: What’s on Your Plate -Includes Classroom discussion and “Quiz Show” -Distribute & discuss “My Plate” & “Healthy Portions” hand outs Nutrition Safari Montage Video: Breakfast Because (24 min) -Discuss what students learned about eating a healthy breakfast Nutrition Nutrients: Mineral, Vitamins, Proteins, Carbs & Fats Materials needed: note cards -”Nutrition: Nutrients” PP -Assign: “5 Day Dinner Menu Planner” due next class period Health 6
2016-2017 6 Thursday 4/13 Wednesday 4/19 Friday 4/21 Tuesday 4/25 Nutrition -5 Day Dinner Menu due today Mineral, Vitamins, Proteins, Carbs & Fats Materials needed: note cards -”Nutrition Activity” PP -Share with whole group Nutrition Safari Montage Video: “Bill Nye: Nutrition” (20 min) -Discuss Video -Assign: Nutrient Match Up ws Chromebooks www.healthyeating.org Materials needed: headphones -Students explore & play: Power Up Your Breakfast, My Very Own Pizza, My Plate Match Game, and Dairy Farm Chromebooks www.supertracker.usda.gov -Food Tracker: Students enter what they ate for one day -Select “data” to see “Daily Food Group Targets” & discuss with a partner -Complete Exit Ticket Choices Magazine Caffeine Crisis pg. 4-9 January 2016 Choices Magazine -Read & discuss article as a whole group -In Class w/Partner: Caffeine Crisis ws -Brain Pop Video: “Caffeine” -Homework: Caffeine Harmless or Helpful Health 6 -Assign: Chart Food You Eat for One Day Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Monday 5/1 Wednesday 5/3 Friday 5/5 Tuesday 5/9 Thursday 5/11 Nutrition Review Nutrients Materials needed: Paper for notes -”Nutrition Review Notes” -Students take notes on “Nutrients Notes” handout Nutrition Labels “Intro. to Nutrition Labels PP” -Discuss -Hand out “Food label guide” & “3 Steps in Using Food Label” -Complete Exit Ticket -Assign: Bring in TWO food labels: snack, cereal, vegetable, fruit, drinks (Be sure to include product name!) Show & Tell -Sodium, Sugar & Fats -Look closely at labels -Lay out items from sodium group: whole group orders least to most -Whole group discussion follows -Repeat with sugar & fat -Assign: Food Labels ws Food Label Activity -Group food labels: snacks, granola/snack bars, soups, cereals, vegetables, fruits, drinks -Students share food labels (4) in groups -Complete “Food Label Group Activity” ws -ONE from each group due at end of hour -Groups present findings to whole group -Assign: Food Labels ws Food Labels Quiz Nutrition Project Work Time Materials needed: Color pencils, construction paper -”Nutrition Project” PP -Introduce project & Rubric -Students begin to work with their partner Health 6
Nutrition Group Presentations 6 2016-2017 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Monday 5/15 Wednesday 5/17 Friday 5/19 Tuesday 5/23 Thursday 5/25 Nutrition Finish Project Materials needed: Color pencils, construction paper -Students finish working on project with a partner -Share with the class. Nutrition Group Presentations -Groups present information -Allow for questions and feedback Counselors -Bullying & Organization -Counselors will present information on bullying prevention and successful organizational skills -Address questions on Exit Tickets -End with Q&A Session Stress -”What is Stress?” PP -Stressor, Fight or Flight, Discussion “Quiz”, Carousel Activity -Exit Ticket Stressed Out? -Scholastic SCOPE March 2017 -Read & Discuss the article: Stressed Out? -Watch and discuss Safari video: Text Anxiety (24 minutes) Stress Jigsaw Act. -”Stress Jigsaw Activity Day 3” PP -The Story on Stress -When Tests Make You Nervous -Handling Sports Pressure & Competition -Worry Less in 3 Steps -Five Steps for Fighting Stress -Wrap up with whole group discussion -Exit Ticket Health 6 Exit Ticket: Questions for HMS Counselors Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Tuesday 5/30 Thursday 6/1 Monday 6/5 Wednesday 6/7 Good & Bad Stress -”Good & Bad Stress Day 2” PP -Read & Discuss Article: “Bad Stress vs. Good Stress” -Stress Anxiety -Stress Affects Body Stop the Stress -Scholastic CHOICES Nov./Dec. 2015 -Read & Discuss the article: The Age of Anxiety Alcohol -”Introduction to Alcohol” PP Materials needed: whiteboards, markers, erasers -Statistics, Misconception Quiz, Video clips, Scenarios -Exit Ticket: Response to Peer Pressure Tobacco -”Tobacco PowerPoint 1” PP -Kinds of tobacco, Kinds of Smoke, Effects on Body, Different Diseases, Video clips -Review Questions with Table Partner Coping with Stress -”Coping with Stress Day 4” PP -Think, Pair, Share -Strategies for Managing Stress -Healthy Living, Health Thinking, Healthy Activities -Practice Three Stress Reducing Activities Drugs -”Introduction to Substance Abuse” PP -Statistics, Illegal drugs, Prescription Drugs, Rumors & Myths Health 6 Natural High Video (25 minutes) *DVD