Mia Hallyburton and Jordan Jones State Liaisons Mia Hallyburton and Jordan Jones
Mia Hallyburton Fun Facts Georgia FCCLA Historian 16 years old Attend Oconee County High School Likes Cats Netflix Reading Dislikes Math Fun Facts I’m a Basketball cheerleader at OCHS I’m on my school’s yearbook staff I went to the Dominican Republic this summer.
Jordan Jones Georgia FCCLA Region 3 Officer 17 years old Attends Likes Grey’s Anatomy Shopping Hanging out with my friends Dislikes Seafood Fun Facts: I am in FFA and 4-H as well I love volunteering at a Vet Clinic near my house I spent my summer at 4-H, FFA, and FCCLA camps.
What is a State Liaison A State Liaison is a new position that Georgia FCCLA is putting into effect this 2016-2017 school year. The State Liaison will be a chapter officer, who is in direct contact with the region level officers. State Liaisons will be in charge of communicating with their region officers about upcoming state events, updating their chapters on what is happening at the state level, and sharing chapter pictures with their region officer to be used in the 2016-2017 Thinkback video. Being a State Liaison is a great stepping stone to becoming a Region or State officer.
Telephone game explanation In the telephone game the original message changed from person to person, and by the end of the line, the message was completely different from the original. The purpose of the State Liaison is to carry the message directly from the state level to their chapter, to prevent the message from getting altered. Communication is key when you are a state liaison.
Region Officer Emails gafcclaregion1@gmail.com
HandShake Rolett Explanation During handshake rolett you introduced yourself to strangers and built relationships. It is important for you to get to know your region officer this year, so that you can become familiar with who you are working with.
Scrapbooking Contest You will be given a piece of construction paper, some old magazines, scissors, glue, and other decorations. You will have 10 minutes to make the best scrapbook page you can. At the end of the given time we will vote, and the winner of the best scrapbook page will receive a prize.