Focus group – Higher Education Sector An NQA Happiness Initiative


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Presentation transcript:

Focus group – Higher Education Sector An NQA Happiness Initiative Occupations and Careers Handbook for UAE Nationals 2017 Edition Project Focus group – Higher Education Sector 6 October 2016 An NQA Happiness Initiative

Today’s focus group 1. Welcome 2. Participant introductions 3. Introduction to the 2017 Handbook Project 4. UAE Higher Education Sector: Facts & Figures 5. Industry sector paragraph from Handbook 6. Break (half way point for 10 minutes) 7. Current occupational profiles in 2013 Handbook 8. New occupational profiles for 2017 Handbook 9. Career clusters diagram 10. Observer wrap-up 11. Next steps

Participant introductions State your name, position and organisation Focus group question 1: What has been your experience in the UAE Higher Education Sector?

About the Handbook Patron Developed under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates. National priorities Absher initiative and pillar to boost the number of UAE Nationals in the labour force A UAE operational program for “vocational guidance” Committee for first edition Ministry of Presidential Affairs (MOPA), Ministry of Labour (MoL), National Qualifications Authority (Handbook custodian), Abu Dhabi Tawteen Council and the Abu Dhabi Centre for Technical and Vocational education and Training (ACTVET). Key outcomes first edition of Handbook Critical industry sectors the UAE - Energy resources, Logistics and transport, Utilities and Infrastructure, Building and Construction, and Manufacturing. 155 occupations regarded as critical, sustainable and attractive to UAE Nationals – presented as occupational profiles that cover key duties, knowledge, skills and experience, essential qualifications, remuneration indicators, and future prospects. Role of NQA NQA is custodian - responsible for making sure it remains relevant and current.

About the Handbook

2017 Edition Handbook Project Stage 1: Research (Sep-Oct 2016) Primary research: Stakeholders: 1) evaluate the contents of the first edition 2) recommend changes/ additions for the second edition 3) create new occupational profiles for occupations that are regarded as attractive, sustainable and critical for UAE Nationals. Secondary research : Analysis of existing research and statistics on the UAE economy and industry sectors Stage 2: 2017 English version (Oct-Dec 2016) Create draft content Distribute draft to stakeholders for feedback Adjust based on feedback Stage 3: Translation into Arabic (Dec 2016-Jan 2017) Final English 2017 edition translated into Arabic 2017 edition. Stage 4: Packaging and marketing (2017) PDF versions launched first half of 2017 NQA to examine other packaging options e.g. apps, website 2017 Edition Handbook Project YOU ARE HERE

VET Industry Sector Paragraph

Higher Education Industry Sector Paragraph Focus Group Question 2: What have been some of the developments in the UAE Higher Education Sector over the past 4 years that should be referred to in the revised sector paragraph for the 2017 edition? Focus Group Question 3: What impact are these developments having on occupations in the HE sector? For example, what occupations are in greater demand? What occupations are in less demand?

Current occupational profiles are based on ISCO The profiles in the Handbook are based on occupational profiles from International Labour Organisation’s International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) System 2008: Hierarchically structured classification with occupations arranged into unit groups (436 groups), minor groups (130), sub-major groups (43) and major groups (10), based on their similarity in terms of the skill level and skill specialisation required. Allows the production of relatively detailed internationally comparable data Facilitates communication between countries about occupations. Provides a titling and code convention for the listed occupations as well the main tasks and duties performed in the occupations. Gives more emphasis to the nature of work performed than to education and training requirements of occupations.

Current occupational profiles in 2013 Handbook The first edition of the Handbook included profiles for the following occupations that exist in the ISCO-08 and met the following criteria: Some level of long-term sustainability and criticality in the economy/industry underpinned by prospective multiple career options, exit points and pathways for future self-growth and recognition. Security, support, and good conditions/remuneration. Perceived attractiveness and occupational status. Focus Group Question 4: Do occupational profiles included in the first edition still meet the above criteria and therefore should remain in the 2017 edition?

Current occupational profiles – keep or remove?   Sustainable/critical to UAE economy? Offer security, support and good conditions/ remuneration? Perceived as attractive and with occupational status by Emiratis? 1345 Education Manager Yes/No? 2310 University and Higher Education Teacher 2351 Education method specialist 2359 Teaching Professionals not elsewhere classified 2352 Special Needs Teacher 2353 Other Language Teacher

New occupational profiles? Focus Group Question 5: What occupational profiles for the Higher Education sector should be added to 2017 edition because they also meet the three criteria?  New profiles Sustainable/critical to UAE economy? Offer security, support and good conditions/ remuneration? Perceived as attractive and with occupational status by Emiratis?

Career Clusters- Career Pathways The UAE Industry Groupings Career Clusters-Career Pathways diagram: Strategic pillars as per UAE Vision 2021 and Emirates plan e.g. The Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030 – influences future direction and future demand for requisite skills Strategic enablers Core “Life Skills” Industry groupings with hierarchy level career clusters Career clusters and pathways

Career Clusters – Industry Groups 3 The Handbook has classified career clusters and career pathways into industry groups. One benefit in particular is that common underpinning bodies of knowledge and skills, often recognized in an educational and training discipline, or which support a pre-existing discipline for a newly created job, can be drawn together for educational and training efficiency and efficacy. (p. 50 of Handbook). Focus Group Question 4: Should NQA change the clustering for education and training, in particular for VET?

Observer wrap-up Observers to wrap up participant responses to the focus group questions that will impact on the second edition of the Handbook.

Next steps You can: provide feedback on observer’s focus group notes work with NQA to review existing occupational profiles work with NQA to write new occupational profiles.