(your professional connection) PROLINXASIA PTE LTD (your professional connection)
Companies working with Prolinx PAHM Prozess-Automation GmbH PAHM Process-Automation Co., Ltd. Specialists in Modular & Mobile Concrete Production Plants More than 25years industry experience
PAHM produces both Continuous & Batch type Concrete plants. No foundations required All plants are made modular & mobile Batch ready on site in 1-2 days, even for 300m3/hr model!! Container modules connect with twist locks, wiring between modules connected via quick connection couplings. BATCH STYLE:- Modular Mixing plants from 45-180m3/hr through single unit BHS twin shaft mixer Modular twin plants from 240-300m3/hr through twin units of BHS Twin Shaft mixers CONTINUOUS STYLE:- From 500-800tons/hr through BHS continuous mixers
Plant features that enhance Concrete Quality Control Some examples for Continuous Plants:- PAHM negative weighing cement scales. Variable speed extraction conveyors on aggregates bins. Some examples for Batch style Plants:- Multiple batch gates on aggregates hoppers with fine & coarse dosing settings. Control system to manage hardware for both fine & coarse dosing settings c/w freefall learning & auto-correction functions.
CONCRETE BATCHING PLANTS vs CONTINUOUS MIXING PLANTS “The PAHM perspective” 1./ HOMOGENEOUS QUALITY BP:- Per batch quality very good, inter batch may find variation CP:- Consistency more seamless and variations in material properties absorbed more gradually 2./ DOSING & BATCHING ACCURACY Both BP & CP can achieve same accuracy
CONCRETE BATCHING PLANTS vs CONTINUOUS MIXING PLANTS Contd 3./ MECHANICAL DESIGN BP:- More mechanical elements CP:- Less mechanical elements 4./ PRICE /PERFORMANCE RELATIONSHIP BP:- 200-250m3/hr more cost effective CP:- >250m3/hr more cost effective 5./ SHORT RUN MIXES BP:- more flexible can produce per batch CP:- min usually 15-20m3 otherwise best not started
CONCRETE BATCHING PLANTS vs CONTINUOUS MIXING PLANTS Contd 6./ WEARING COSTS BP:- Higher, in particular the mixer CP:- Lesser mechanical elements to wear & lesser wear in mixer 7./ Chilled water & or ICE dosing BP:- Can accommodate both CP:- Can handle chilled water but not ICE dosing 8./ Changes in mix design & slump BP:- Can handle all mix designs & all slumps CP:- Best set up for only a few mix designs and typically only handles zero or near zero slump concrete
CONCRETE BATCHING PLANTS vs CONTINUOUS MIXING PLANTS Contd 9./ PRODUCTION DATA CAPTURE BP:- Exact weights & dates can be recorded & traced per batch CP:- Production data is recorded according to desired time periods 10./ MIXING TIME BP:- Can be set according to recipe CP:- For BHS mixers the mixing time can only be changed by mechanically changing the direction of some of the mixer paddles
CONCRETE BATCHING PLANTS vs CONTINUOUS MIXING PLANTS Contd 11./ CALIBRATION BP:- By test weights, fast & simple CP:- By test weights & original material. Dump Truck and truck weigh scales required nearby
CONCRETE BATCHING PLANTS vs CONTINUOUS MIXING PLANTS Contd IN SUMMARY For production rates up to 250m3/hr then a Batch Style Plant would be more effective For larger outputs and only a few mix recipes then the Continuous Style plant would be more useful
THANK YOU For questions on PAHM products & services please contact us at prolinx_asia@singnet.com.sg www.pahm.de