“Journey on the Rock Cycle” Activity
Where are we with EQ#5? EQ#5: “What are the three types of rocks and how are they changed from one type to another?” Yesterday, we used crayons to create models of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock. We also diagramed the rock cycle. Today, we will pretend we are rocks, undergoing different processes as we move around the Earth, converting from one type of rock to another. Tomorrow, we will review various rock cycle pathways using white boards.
Overview of the Rock Cycle Simulation… You will be assigned the “pink” team or the “beige” team. Each color contains 7 stations, representing areas at which change in the rock cycle occurs. You will pretend you are a rock and start at a station (2 per station). You will roll the dice at that station to determine which path you should take (and which station you should go to. You will rotate each minute. Listen for the sound to rotate! As you travel on the rock cycle, record what is happening on your journey chart.
Journey on the Rock Cycle VOLCANO (1) I began my adventure at ___________. (2) The first thing that happened was __________________________________ then I went to __________________. (3) The next thing that happened was __________________________________ then I went to __________________. (4) The next thing that happened was __________________________________ then I went to __________________. VOLCANO ERUPTS SPEWING FORTH LAVA. MOUNTAINS WIND EROSION OCCURS SOIL SEDIMENT BEING FORMED REMAIN HERE
Helpful Hints… 1.) You might end up staying at a station more than one time in a row. If you find yourself staying for a third time, roll again so you can rotate. 2.) We will play for 10 rotations, or 10 minutes, whichever comes first.
Compare your Cycle to your seatmates. … Answer these questions on the back: 1.) What are the similarities and differences in your paths? 2.) Did your partner go to the same stations as you? If so, which ones? 3.) Did you or your partner visit all stations? 4.) Did you expect to visit all stations? 5.) Do you think it is possible for rocks to visit all stations? Do you think it happens? Be prepared to share your answers with the class.
Journey on the Rock Cycle VOLCANO (1) I began my adventure at ___________. (2) The first thing that happened was __________________________________ then I went to __________________. (3) The next thing that happened was __________________________________ then I went to __________________. (4) The next thing that happened was __________________________________ then I went to __________________. Igneous! VOLCANO ERUPTS SPEWING FORTH LAVA. MOUNTAINS WIND EROSION OCCURS SOIL SEDIMENT BEING FORMED Sedimentary! REMAIN HERE
Debrief… On the back of your paper, summarize your journey on the rock cycle. Write 3-4 sentences about the type(s) of rocks that you got to be, and what processes (erosion, eruption, pressure, etc.) you underwent. Use proper spelling and grammar. Write neatly. **Due at the end of the period.
YES NO Two minute drill… YES YES NO NO NO NO Igneous rocks form from cooled lava. Heat and pressure create metamorphic rock. Erosion results in igneous rock. The rock cycle is linear, with a beginning and an end. Every rock takes the same path through the rock cycle. Every rock does becomes every type of rock. YES NO NO NO NO