Hotel Rwanda Genocide
Have you personally witnessed injustices? What is an injustice? Have you personally witnessed injustices?
Imagine a world with two groups of people: Pink People and Purple people From least violent to most violent, how would you place the following acts of violence? Spitting on someone because they are Purple Calling someone a bad name because they are Purple Beating up a random Purple person walking down the street because they are Purple Passing a law to prevent all Purple people from getting jobs from Pink people Ransacking a neighborhood, breaking windows of houses and painting graffiti on Purple peoples’ houses Killing a Purple family because they are Purple Rounding up and taking all Purple people to a school yard and killing them
What is genocide? systematic killing of a group of people on the basis of their ethnicity, religion, or other defining characteristic.
What are some examples of genocide? Armenian Genocide (1925-1923; 1 to 1.5 million killed) Holocaust (1942-45; 6 million Jewish killed) Cambodia—led by Khmer Rouge (1975-79; 1.7 million killed) Rwanda (1994; 1 million killed) Darfur (present; 400,000 killed)
1948 Genocide Convention After World War II and the Holocaust, the international community decided that this should never happen again. They adopted the Genocide Convention which gives a legal definition of genocide and which makes the countries that sign the treaty intervene to stop genocide when it is occurring.
Hotel Rwanda
Before we begin… During the colonial era, which ethnic group had all the power? When Rwanda gained its independence, which ethnic group took power? Which group faced discrimination and eventually genocide in April 1944?
After the Film You will be put into a group of four. Each of you will be responsible for reading one of four topics. You must answer your questions. When all of you are done, you will share your answers with your group members and get their answers as well.
What can be done? Internationally?