The Age of Imperialism 1875 - 1914 Red-coated British soldiers stand at attention around a royal pavilion during a ceremony in India. Britain’s Queen Victoria took the title Empress on India in 1876.
Imperialism Vocab Imperialism- a policy of conquering and ruling other lands Nationalism- strong belief that the interests of a particular nation-state are of primary importance Racism- the belief that one race is superior to others
Imperialism Breakdown Indirect Control Direct Control Local government officials used Limited self-rule Government institutions are based on European styles Goal: develop future leaders Foreign officials brought in No self-rule Government institutions are based only on European styles Goal: assimilation Colony Territory governed internally by a foreign power Protectorate Territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power Sphere of Influence Area in which as outside power claims exclusive investment of trading privileges Economic Imperialism Independent but less developed country controlled by private business interests rather than a government
Africa By 1880 only 10% of Africa was controlled by the Europeans The interior of Africa was unnavigable by river and had rough terrain Disease killed many African empires had huge armies that successfully kept out most European armies The Industrial Revolution and the development of modern technology (boats, weapons, etc) made it easier for Europeans to control Africa Berlin Conference 14 European nations met to create a set of rules for the division of Africa No African leader was invited Respect for the empires or boundaries was ignored Believed it would benefit the economy by tapping into a new market (they were wrong)
India “Jewel in the Crown”- India as the most valuable of all Britain’s colonies British law restricted Indian competition against British goods and manufacturing Modern technology was brought to India helping to unify the country, increase literacy and develop a modern economy Indians struggled to unite against the British because of the religious differences between the Hindus and the Muslims Indians start to develop growing feelings of nationalism Nationalist groups start to emerge and begin calling for self-government Britain attempts to break up parts of its colonies according to race to help minimize these outbursts but they aren’t successful
Asia China was highly self-sufficient agriculturally and regularly rejected offers from the West to engage in trade Opium War of 1839 - Britain vs China British merchants were smuggling opium into China and as a result many Chinese were becoming highly addicted The Chinese government was angry the British government was not stopping the movement of drugs so they declared war British technology overwhelmed Chinese outdated boats and weapons War ended 1842 Treaty of Nanjing Gave Britain control over Hong Kong Gave foreigners extraterritorial rights - foreigners were not subject to Chinese law on Chinese soil
Competition between Nations In the mid-1800s, Britain was the most powerful nation in the world. Factories produced more good than those of any other country British Navy guarded the oceans so that those goods could be shipped safely to ports around the globe British banks loaned the money needed to build factories, mines, and railroads worldwide By the late 1800s Germany and the United States were challenging Britain’s economic leadership
Ideas of Superiority The race for colonies grew out of a strong sense of national pride as well as from economic competition Following the Industrial Revolution, Europeans regarded their new technology as proof they were better than other people This attitude is a reflection of racism Europeans believed that they had the right and duty to bring the results of their progress to other countries Some of this push for expansion of the European way of life came from missionaries Travelled to preach the Gospel and helped to end the slave trade internationally