TRAVIS ST LAWRENCE C.E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Year One Mrs E Gill and Mrs C Charlesworth Mrs Baker, Mrs Speight
Changes Foundation 2 to Year 1 is a transition year. Play enhances our learning. More structured activities
Location, Location, Location Year 1 Topics These are the topics we will be learning about this year. Autumn 1 Sticks, Bricks & Straw Autumn 2 Location, Location, Location Spring 1 Transport and Trains Spring 2 Wild World Summer 1 From Little to Large Summer 2 Land Ahoy
Numeracy Daily Numeracy sessions. Covers all areas of maths including counting, calculating and shape and space, problem solving, using and applying. Practical activities – recording – applying - fluency Mastering. Expectation is that all children access the Year 1 Curriculum. Interventions are provided to enable all children reach age related expectations.
Literacy and Phonics Literacy – emphasis on speaking, using play based activities and role play activities - feeds into writing Read, Write, Inc. is a new scheme to our school, introduced last year, that teaches children to be able to listen carefully and identify the phonemes that make up each word. This helps children to learn to read words and to spell words. We have daily phonics sessions lasting 20 minutes. In June all the Year 1 children will take part in a statutory phonics test.
Reading Books Children have opportunities to change books weekly, working towards doing it independently. 1 to 1 reading sessions in school Questioning for comprehension Reading Record Diary Re-reading for enjoyment
Spellings Look Cover Write Check. Writing sentences with the word in. Punctuation. Linking with phonics. Keep practising previous spellings. Spelling test every Thursday/Friday.
Handwriting School focus Writing taught in family groups Daily Linking with phonics Read Write Inc.
Home Learning Homework will be given on Friday’s to be handed in on the following Wednesday. Variety of tasks including maths, literacy, science and creative family tasks. Daily reading and spellings. Abacus Maths Learning activities
Learning Logs Let you and your child’s imagination go. There is no wrong way to do it. Given a title to focus on. Children will share them with the class. Children love scrapbooks and look back at them over again.
Parental Support Attendance Homework Maths Workshop Classroom Support Family Learning Events Parent Forum Parent Teacher Association
Open Door Policy This continues throughout the school. Notices and letters displayed on the windows. Any issues please see the class teacher in the first instance. The best time available at the end of the day. Please think carefully about the messages you give.
Extra Curricular Visits Clubs - cooking, boccia, cooking, sewing, Sports - MLB, Playground games. First come basis. Playground Leaders with staff at lunchtimes School Website
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