Phonics Screening Check 2017
What is the phonics screening check? It is a statutory requirement for all schools to carry out A short assessment to confirm whether individual children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard The check consist of 40 words and non-words that your child will be asked to read 1:1 with a teacher The check is for all Year 1 children and children in Year 2 who previously did not meet the standard of the check in Year 1
When is the phonics screening check? Week beginning Monday 12th June If a child is absent during that week, the school can administer the check up until the 23rd June
What is the structure of the phonics screening check? Check takes 4 - 9 minutes to complete 40 words that your child will read 1:1 with the teacher Words consist of real words and non-words (‘nonsense’ or ‘alien words’) The pass mark in 2016 was 32 words out of 40 Report results to parents and the local authority by the end of the year
How can I support my child at home? Reading!!! Playing games with a sound mat Practising to read real words and ‘nonsense’ words using sound buttons
How can I support my child at home? Sample materials are available on the ‘’ website (‘phonics screening check’ in search bar – ‘National curriculum assessments: practice materials’ – ‘Key Stage 1’) Make learning sounds fun!
Nonsense Words