Welcome To Algebra Concept Mrs.Fardous Mrs. Beydoun Class expectations
Day 1 Tuesday September 5, 2017 Objectives: I can recognize important facts about my teachers as well as my classmates through 2 truth and a lie activity.
Two truth and one lie On the given sticky note brainstorm two truths and one lie about yourself. Anything you can think of Turn back to the two people sitting behind you and share with them. Each person will take turn to share the rest of the group need to determine if it is a truth or lie ( 6 minutes) At the end of the activity, I will pick one random person from the group to share what they learned about the other group members
Truth or lie Pick the lie out of the three statements: I have three children. I once won a pie-eating contest. I moved to the US, When I was nineteen.
Day 2 Wednesday September 6, 2017 Objectives: I can identify class norms and Regulations. I can recognize important facts about my teachers as well as my classmates through we all fit together activity.
BE PREPARED Bring paper/notebook, pencil, to class everyday. No pencils will be provided in the class. Food and drinks are not allowed in the classroom except for water. NO EXCEPTIONS Use the restroom prior to coming to class. Bathroom passes will only be issued for emergencies.
RED ZONE This class is a red zone. No cell phones are allowed If seen no warnings will be given. It will be taking away immediately Parents will pick it up from the office at the end of the day It will collected during tests
BE RESPECTFUL Absolutely no talking during note taking time. Be polite – Give other students, teachers, and other adults proper respect by addressing them by their name maintaining your own personal space (keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself at all times) Name calling, gossip, and harassment of any form will not be tolerated. Offensive language and behavior will not be tolerated. Avoid fighting, assaulting, and any inappropriate physical contact (including tripping, punching, pushing, poking, and rough housing). Observe one person speaking at a time. Raise your hand and be recognized prior to speaking. Absolutely no talking during note taking time.
BE RESPONSIBLE Enter the classroom quietly, sharpen pencils before the bell rings, and be seated in your assigned seat by the time the bell rings. When the bell rings, immediately begin working on the SLOTS. Avoid off limit areas such as the teacher’s desk, classroom lights, bulletin boards, and supply cupboards.
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN LEARNING. You will have homework each night Always ask questions and get help on materials you do not understand. Don't wait until you feel overwhelmed. When you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to make up homework. Find what we did the day before from “while you were out” or the “blog” It is really difficult to catch up once you are behind. DON'T GET BEHIND!
Consequences (Unless Otherwise Specified Above) 1st Offense: Verbal Warning 2nd Offense: Move to different seat. 3rd Offense: Parents contacted. 4th Offense: administration referral.
We Fit Right In ( 15 minutes) Fill in the given puzzle with anything you would like us to learn about. Make sure you have your name in the middle. After you are done writing and decorating. Students will be picked randomly to share their puzzle.
Day 3 Thursday September 7, 2017 Objectives: I can identify class grading system and introduced to standard based. I can recognize important facts about my teachers as well as my classmates through we all fit together activity.
SLOT If I was absent or lost a certain worksheet? What do I do? What do I mean by RED ZONE? Elaborate
Your grade is based on… Homework/Activities/Notes Unit Quizzes Home will be assigned most days and is expected to be completed the next day. Students are responsible for completing all assigned problems and obtaining help when needed. It is YOUR responsibility to get the homework when you were absent. Unit Quizzes Students should expect to take one quiz each week as well as SLOT quizzes. (using standard grading)
Overview Standard based You will not see a percentage You will see a number next to the standard assessed The numbers will go from 4 (mastered) to 0 (not mastered) You will have to chance to fix until showing mastery.
Continue…. Unit Assessments Cheating-zero on your test (zero tolerant) At the end of each unit an individual test is given. This serves as an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they, as individuals, have learned from the whole unit. Unit tests will be summative grades. Cheating-zero on your test (zero tolerant)
Retakes and make up Test Retakes: Retakes will be in a different form than the original test. Students must meet retake criteria: *retake only parts<4 *no missing assignments from unit *corrections made on first test * parent signature on first test
Makeup tests and retakes In that case of absence, you will have two school calendar days for each period of excused absence to turn in make up work. Stay up to date by checking my blog for assignments. The student is responsible for arranging with the teacher to make up a test missed for an excused reason. There will be certain scheduled time for test retakes and it will be either during lunch time or after school.
Projects Projects, when assigned, will be an application of skills learned in class. Projects will typically be worth the equivalent of a test grade. Large unit projects will be considered to be summative grades.
SLOT What are the 4 main criteria in the grading book? How do we do our quizzes? Elaborate
Day 4 Friday September 8, 2017 Objectives: I can Recall six important facts I should know about the class through tracing your hand activity. I can recall basic subtraction and multiplication facts by participating in a maze.
Trace your hand on the page below Trace your hand on the page below. In each one of the fingers, write one of the most important things you should know about this class.
Contact info--- fardoum@dearbornschools.org http://iblog.dearbornschools.org/fardous2/ Remind 101
Discussion (What do you see)
Fair vs. Equal, What do you think? Exit ticket Fair vs. Equal, What do you think?