ABOUT RCPSB Registration of Certified Public Secretaries Board is established under the Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya Act Cap 534 of the laws of Kenya. The mandate of the Board is to register qualified secretaries and issue practicing certificates to those registered Secretaries who are eligible to offer services to the public as Certified Secretaries. The other mandate of the Board is a regulatory role which is to de-register members out of their professional misconduct or any other reason as stipulated in the Certified Public Secretaries Act Cap 534, Section 24.
VISION, MISSION & CORE VALUES To be recognized regionally as the leading professional Board in the development and regulation of Certified Secretaries and governance profession Mission To promote good governance and ethical practice through enforcement of high standards of professional conduct and excellence Core Values Good governance Integrity Transparency and accountability
RCPSB’S MANDATE/FUNCTIONS Receive, consider and approve applications for registration as a certified secretary and grant of practicing certificates in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Advice the Institute on matters pertaining to monitoring compliance with professional, quality assurance and other standards published by the Institute for observance by its members. Prescribe regulations to govern the qualification and application for membership of the Institute, including actions necessary to rectify deviations from published regulations.
RCPSB’S MANDATE/FUNCTIONS Continued…… Maintain the register of certified public secretaries and in so doing, effect such necessary changes as may arise from time to time; Advise the Institute on matters pertaining to professional and other standards necessary for the achievement of quality assurance; Advise the Examination Board on matters pertaining to development, maintenance and continuous improvement on examination standards, including the contents of the syllabus and accreditation of training institutions. Perform any other functions incidental to the fulfillment of its objectives under this Act.
Legal and Institutional Framework for the Certified Public Secretaries Profession The National Treasury (Formerly Ministry of Finance) has the policy mandate for the co- ordination of the institutional structure of the Certified Public Secretary’s profession under the Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya Act. The Board operates under the Accountant General, The National Treasury. The Registration of Certified Public Secretaries Board (RCPSB) The Registration Board has a regulatory role over the profession. The Board is responsible for registration of new members and issue of practising certificates to eligible members. The Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK) The Institute is responsible for enhancing professional competence among members of the Institute and promoting the profession nationally, regionally and globally. The Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board KASNEB is the examining body for the Certified Public Secretary profession. Completion of the prescribed KASNEB examinations is a requirement for registration by the Board and as a member of the Institute.
COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD MEMBERS Four Nominees of the Council of ICPSK Nominee of the Examination Board (KASNEB) Nominee of the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives Nominee of the Secretary Commission for University Education Nominee of the Directorate of Public Service Management, Ministry of Public Service, Gender and Youth Affairs. Nominee of the Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury. This slot has been delegated to the Office of the Attorney General EX-OFFICIO Registrar- Appointed by the Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury Executive Officer- Secretary to the Board