C.I. Career Investigation Connecting Personality to Career Clusters
C.S.I. CRIME SCENE INVISTIGATON Use D.N.A., Palm Prints, Finger Prints to find the right suspect
C.I. CAREER INVESTIGATIONS Use information to find the right career
C.I. WHAT DO I CONSIDER? Personal values Educational level Personality
PERSONALITY? The combination of a person’s characteristics and traits that make him/her a unique human being
What characteristics and traits make up our personalities? Possible answers: Interests, abilities, talents, beliefs, behaviors, physical attributes, emotions, intelligence, preferences, values
What does personality have to do with careers? John Holland studied people and careers. He found that people who had a career that matched their personality were happier.
BILLIONS OF PERSONALITY TYPES? It would be too confusing John Holland found there were 6 basic personality types
DOER DESCRIPTION: Active, likes outdoors, often athletic, enjoys working with tools and equipment LEARNING STYLES: bodily/ kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal
THINKER DESCRIPTION: Enjoys math and science, likes to use the mind to solve problems, enjoys games that require logic LEARNING STYLES: mathematical/ logical, intrapersonal,
CREATOR DESCRIPTION: Expresses himself/herself through activities such as art, music, dance, writing, and acting; is most comfortable with free, unstructured environments LEARNING STYLES: visual/ spatial, bodily/ kinesthetic, musical/ rhythmic
HELPER DESCRIPTION: Enjoys interaction with other people, relationships with friends and/or family are a top priority, good listening abilities LEARNING STYLES: interpersonalverbal/ linguistic
PERSUADER LEARNING STYLES: interpersonalverbal/ linguistic DESCRIPTION: Likes leading others and talking others into doing things, natural sales ability
ORGAINZER DESCRIPTION: Likes to collect and organize things, enjoys using a planner, is able to keep accurate records LEARNING STYLES: intrapersonal, visual/ spatial, mathematical/ logical
Let’s see how we do! As a group, place the 6 blue sheets as headings. DOER, THINKER, CREATOR, HELPER, PERSUADER, ORGANIZER
What next? As a group, place the 6 of the occupations on the white sheets under each of the six blue headings - DOER, THINKER, CREATOR, HELPER, PERSUADER, ORGANIZER For example, “Counselor” will go under helper.
Here’s an Example HELPER Counselor What Holland Code do you think a Real Estate Agent is most like? Answer is persuader.
Let’s watch a short video! What does it look like? Let’s watch a short video!
How did you do? Let’s check your answers. Any last minute questions?
DOER Aircraft Mechanic Cabinetmaker Cook/chef Farmer Plumber Truck Driver
THINKER Dentist Engineer Marine Biologist Medical Technician Pilot Veterinarian
CREATOR Clothes Designer Dancer Fashion model Editor Interior Decorator News Reporter
HELPER Counselor Coach Physical therapist Nurse Police Officer Teacher
PERSUADER Real Estate Agent Advertising Executive Hotel Manager Salesperson Travel Agent Principal
ORGANIZER Accountant Bank Teller Payroll Clerk Postal Service Worker Secretary Word/Data Processing
What’s your personality type? Are you a Creator, Helper, Persuader, Organzier, Doer or Thinker? People are more than one
C.I. CAREER INVESTIGATION As you gather more information you will find you may change your mind about your career options. Just like on C.S.I., sometimes the more information you get the more you are able to narrow in on the real suspect!