“By engaging with children and stimulating them from birth parents will set down the building blocks for their child's chances. Yet children don't come with an instruction manual and we want to do all we can to empower parents.” Fiona Hyslop, MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning 25/09/2009
National Performance Framework We are better educated, more skilled and more successful, renowned for our research and innovation. Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. Our children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed. We have improved the life chances for children, young people and families at risk. 11. We have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others.
Joint Statement between COSLA and Scottish Government CLD can play a vital role in relation to a range of national and local outcomes: It can offer routes into and through lifelong learning in communities, enabling the development of skills (including, for example, literacy and numeracy) that people can use in employment, their community, further learning or as parents and family members to support their children in their important early years.’
Scottish Government Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 Curriculum for Excellence Skills for Scotland Early Years Framework Play, talk, read http://www.infoscotland.com/playtalkread/
Dr Tom Sticht Oracy Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children Betty Hart, Ph.D., & Todd R. Risley, Ph.D. Double duty dollars Wider Opportunities for Women (1991)
Strong research evidence New Light on Adult Literacy and Numeracy in Scotland (2008) Family learning: an evaluation of the benefits of family learning for participants, their families and the wider community (Ofsted,July 2009) Scoping Study on Models of Family Learning (Linked Work and Training Trust, April 2008) Effective and Inclusive Practices in Family Learning: Two Case Studies (LWTT July 2009)
Learning Connections The Best Start – conference March 2009 Tom Sticht seminars March 2009 Family literacy network Big Plus – SPL Reading Stars Partnership with Bookstart and SNPICL
Communities of Practice in Adult Literacies (CoPAL) http://www.sfeu.ac.uk/copal Family literacies section topics for debate and discussion sharing resources useful web links open to anyone to join – contact gerry.dougan@scotlandscolleges.ac.uk.
gerry.dougan@scotlandscolleges.ac.uk. (CoPAL) www.aloscotland.com www.scotland.gov.uk/Learningconnections gerry.dougan@scotlandscolleges.ac.uk. (CoPAL) http://www.infoscotland.com/playtalkread/ katherine.ashe@scotland.gsi.gov.uk Finally, some web addresses which might be useful for you and email address for gerry dougan who is the person to contact if you would like to join CoPAL.