Get your poster board from the black filing cabinet. 2. You will need a pencil
2. Staple along the left and right side Fold in half (hamburger fold) 2. Staple along the left and right side (5 staples on each side)
Your portfolio will feature a design that tells us about you. You will pick a symbol that represents your likes or hobbies.
This will have your name and class period written inside. You will also include a banner that goes around, or through your symbol. This will have your name and class period written inside.
PORTFOLIO REQUIREMENTS: Must include your first & last name and class period in a banner shape Must have an object or symbol that the banner wraps around Must be SCHOOL APPROPRIATE – nothing related to drugs, illegal activity, etc. MUST BE BIG!!!!!!!! Fill in all of your drawing space. Must be colored in with marker, color pencil or hi-liter or painted with watercolor paint All artwork stored in your portfolio MUST stay in there until the end of the year! I use your artwork for display and for the upcoming art show we have in the spring.
Due TUESDAY, September 26th by the END of class. Portfolio Directions: LIGHTLY drawing the object/symbol in pencil really big on your portfolio add your banner around it Color/paint it Outline with Sharpie Due TUESDAY, September 26th by the END of class.