What is socialism? Socialism is hard to define. Like the use of the word democracy, the term can mean a multiple of things (or is used in many things that doesn’t really mean the same thing). Some socialists believe in parliamentary democracy and others are against it and see it used by the superstructure to maintain control through dominant ideology, some are religious and others are atheistic.
Socialism vs capitalism Socialism can be described as the opposite to Capitalism. CAPITALIST SOCIETY – BOURGEOISIE and the PROLETARIAT SOCIALIST SOCIETY – Human beings as social creatures united by their common humanity.
capitalist ideology Marx describes that for the Capitalist system that we live in, it divides us into two classes – bosses and workers or BOURGEOISIE and the PROLETARIAT. Marx states that in a Capitalist society workers become prisoners of market forces over which they have no control. Their work becomes means to an end and the workers lose all control over the objects that they produce. Karl Marx – German Philosopher, 1818-1883
Socialism overview Socialists believe that our identities as individuals are shaped by our social interactions and membership of social groups. Socialism Liberalism Community Cooperation Equality Class politics Common ownership The individual Freedom Reason Justice Toleration
Community Socialism offers a unifying vision of human beings as social creatures, capable of overcoming social and economic problems by drawing on the power of the community, rather than simply individual effort. This differs with ideas or community with Liberalism. John Locke strongly believed in the idea of natural rights. “Every man has a property in his own person. This no body has any right to but himself. The labour of his body and the work of his hands, we may say are the properly his” Community to socialism expresses that humans are supposed to work collectively towards common goals rather than striving for personal goals and self interest. We are bound together though the common bond of humanity.
If someone was to commit a crime… Liberal draw a clear distinction between the individual and society, but the socialist see the individual as being inseparable from society. Humans are neither self-sufficient, nor self contained. Individuals can only be understood and understand themselves through the social group they belong. Socialists believe that the behaviour of individuals tells us about the society that they have been brought up in rather than human nature. If someone was to commit a crime… SOCIALIST CONSERVATIVE/LIBERAL A socialist would explain that it isn’t just the type of person they are, they are not inevitably a bad person, but it was because of the context in which they exist. They would criticise this for any sense of responsibility from the criminal themselves Socialists have a strong and positive belief that in some terms humans can become better. Conservatives believe that people are imperfect and imperfectible. Socialists believe that if we change the unequal structures of society and overcome alienation, then we can build a better society. They have a tendency towards Utopianism (the society that it perfect, all aspects are good.) they see this as hope, as a good thing. Humans have the ability to create a society where humans can experience freedom and fulfilment as members of a community. Liberals and Conservatives see utopian thought as being deeply irresponsible.
Cooperation For a socialist… Humans are social creatures, and so the natural relationship between them is the one of cooperation rather than competition For a socialist… Competition sets one individual against another and encourages them to deny or ignore social nature rather than embrace it Competition allows for only a limited range of social attributes, and promotes selfishness and aggression. This contrast with the liberal view of competition which see it as healthy and a way of achieving meritocracy. This makes moral and economic sense to socialists. Individuals who work together rather than against each other develop bonds of sympathy, caring and affection Socialists believe that the greatest incentive to work hard should not be personal gain it should be for the feeling of responsibility and community Liberal capitalists believe that if people work harder they will be rewarded more
Equality For socialists its important they are seen as equal in terms of outcome. Social equality upholds fairness- they do not believe that some people are better off because they are innate differences between individuals. They believe that the structures of capitalism cause inequality with one class being exposed by another. Socialists don’t believe that all individuals are born the same but they do believe that the most important inequalities are cause by the economic system. HOWEVER, Classical liberals believe that economic inequality is not necessarily unfair as it is based on peoples free choices. Social equality underpins community and cooperation. If people live in equal social circumstances, they will be more likely to identify with one another and work together for common benefit. Equal benefit. Wealth based on needs
Class politics Social democrat Marxist Socialists believe that social class is the deepest and most politically significant social division. For socialists the way we think about the world is based on our socialisation into a particular class. Social democrat They do not accept the inevitability of class and revolution. The see it as more complex than a two class model. They point out that working class is broken down into a number of sub classes – BLUE collar and WHITE collar and with the right to support everyone can achieve social mobility and move up the class ladder. Marxist Class is linked to the individuals relationship to the means of production. In this view there is a naturally exploitive relationship between the bosses and the workers. Only when the workers realises its alienated condition will it achieve class consciousness and unite to overthrow the capitalist system
Common ownership They believe that private property comes at the cost of competition and inequality – the ownership of the means of production They believe that wealth has been produced by the collective effort of mankind and should be owned by the community. Private property encourages people to be materialistic, believing that happiness comes through pursuit of wealth. Property causes conflict between owners and workers, the rich and poor. Socialist believe that private property should be done with and replaced by the common ownership of productive wealth
SOCIALISM VS LIBERALISM Activity SOCIALISM VS LIBERALISM Equality Common ownership Cooperation Community In General…