Moon Area Middle School October 17, 2016 Butter Braids Moon Area Middle School October 17, 2016
Who likes going on field trips??
Who likes doing team activities??
Who likes yummy, warm, delicious pastries??
If you answered YES! to these questions, you are in luck!!!
The middle school is selling “Butter Braids” again the year!!!!
What are Butter Braids, you ask? They are frozen pastries that have various different fillings in them.
FLAVORS Cinnamon Blueberry Cream Cheese Apple Raspberry Strawberry Cream Cheese Double Chocolate And new this year….. Savory Four Cheese and Herb
Oh, and don’t forget the icing!! All you have to do is let the frozen braids thaw, give time for the dough to rise, and then bake! Oh, and don’t forget the icing!!
During AB tomorrow, you will get your order forms and other important information about the fundraiser and Butter Braid sale. PLEASE TAKE THE ORDER FORMS HOME TOMORROW TO SHOW YOUR PARENTS!!!!!
COST The cost of each Butter Braid is $13.00, but the school gets to keep $5.00 of that as profit! If we sell 300 Braids or more as a school, we get to keep $5.50 from each Braid! All of that profit goes to the students to help pay for field trips and team activities.
CHALLENGE My challenge to you is to have every student sell at least 5 Butter Braids
Think of it this way….. If you sell 5 Butter Braids, you have basically paid for the cost of ONE field trip this year. If you sell 10 Butter Braids, you’ve covered the cost of TWO field trips this year. No out-of-pocket expenses for you or your parents/guardians!!!
Who’s gonna sell the most Braids????
The top 3 sellers in the school will each receive a 5lb bag of… The top 3 sellers in the school will each receive a 5lb bag of….. GUMMY BEARS!!!!
October 18-28 This is about a 2 week window of time to sell the Braids SALE DATES October 18-28 This is about a 2 week window of time to sell the Braids
Safety Rules Don’t go to a stranger’s house Don’t go at night around your neighborhood Only sell to people you know Maybe your adult family members can take the order form to work to see if their co-workers want to buy any Braids
Payment IMPORTANT: You MUST collect payment at time of sale. Do not wait to collect payment when you deliver your Butter Braids!!! Cash is preferred, but checks are accepted – made out to MASD
October 28 All students should turn in completed order forms and ALL money to your AB teacher by this date. NOTE: Families with more than one student should use a different order form for each student.
Delivery of Butter Braid orders is Delivery Date Delivery of Butter Braid orders is Tuesday November 22 (just in time for Thanksgiving!!!!)
FROZEN They are delivered frozen, so parents/guardians will be asked to come pick up your orders as close to dismissal time as possible
Now let’s get out there and sell some Butter Braids!