Proposed Experiments: Multimodal Target/Change Detection (Blind) (Kerekes) Landcover Classification (Kerekes) Unmixing (Quantitative) (Kerekes) Complex LIDAR Surface (Kerekes) Geometric Control Range (need lead, Don Light/Don M.) H.S.I. with LIDAR Candice/Hemlock Forest (Jan) Sub-pixel Targets on Spectral Graph Creation/Analysis (Messinger) Sub-pixel Abundance Estimation from Spectral Unmixing (Messinger) 3D reconstruction (need PI) Landsat/LDCM OLI model/check out, TIRS water thermal (Schott/Gerace) MITRE Confusing Targets (Ariel) Shadow/Illumination(Emmett) SAR TBD (Gartley)
Summary of Initial PI requirements Target Many spectral targets to be constructed, forest, submerged water target, 3d target Geographic ROI or Type Canadice/Hemlock, Avon,Parking lots, grass fields, clutter, Geo. Control Range, Trees, Manmade Spectral Modality / Resolution H.S.I. <10nm Spatial Resolution WASP <30cm, WASP high overlap for 3D reconstruction H.S.I. <1m Specific Sensor WASP, 2 H.S.I. SpecTIR AVIRIS, NEON Airborne LIDAR YES 5pts/m2 Ground Based LIDAR YES structures TBD Atmospheric Meas. Visibility estimate, sky photos, instrumentation TBD Ground Based Meas. (concurrent?) YES - need to ID concurrent requirements, GPS Season Any or Summer Time of Day Solar Noon Repeat Coverage/Moving YES 1 request separated by 3-4 hours Summary of Initial PI requirements