Collection development with the FALLING $ Kay Saunders (Senior Librarian, Corporate Services, ECU Library)
Kay Saunders (Senior Librarian, Corporate Services, ECU Library) Strategies adopted Cancel patron driven ebook service Identify subscriptions with poor ROI Cancel at next renewal Review in following year pre-pay the cost of some subscriptions upfront (vendor deal - fixed cost for three years) Hedge funds in USD Kay Saunders (Senior Librarian, Corporate Services, ECU Library)
Kay Saunders (Senior Librarian, Corporate Services, ECU Library) Snapshot of subscriptions in foreign currency and invoice dates over 2 years Kay Saunders (Senior Librarian, Corporate Services, ECU Library)
Comparison in 2014 to 2015 for three sample subscriptions costs Recommitted on 23 January 2015 at 7% Projected average increase of 24.29% over the eprice from the beginning of 2014 to what we would pay if invoiced on 14 April 2015 Kay Saunders (Senior Librarian, Corporate Services, ECU Library)
Comparison in 2014 to 2015 for three sample subscriptions costs Percentage increase comparison between USD and AUD Kay Saunders (Senior Librarian, Corporate Services, ECU Library)
Kay Saunders (Senior Librarian, Corporate Services, ECU Library) ARL List Cost-per-use spreadsheet (years past) distributed to our subject librarians along with lists of subscription titles to be renewed or cancelled Yardstick to aid in renew/cancel decisions with Y/N option In 2015 we expanded to include Recommended action rather than just Y/N; following year’s projected subs cost; alternate access (e.g. aggregator); VDX cost; Replies/Notes This year: up & down arrows; ticks & crosses Kay Saunders (Senior Librarian, Corporate Services, ECU Library)