Love Compassion SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE: To have deep sympathy for the suffering of another. QUOTE: “What is Karuna(compassion)? Seeing a person in distress and expressing verbal sympathy is not compassion. Compassion must express itself in action to relieve the suffering. Nor should you adopt an attitude of aloofness or indifference on the plea that each one is suffering for his own folly. Though suffering may be due to one's mistakes – mistakes to which everyone is prone – we should seek to remedy such suffering, just as we try to get rid of our own suffering. ... True compassion should emanate from the heart.” – SSS 10:2, 11; Delhi, 4-1-75
Love Compassion PRAYER written by Swami: “Thus I am born. Make me speak soft, sweet words; Make me behave comfortingly toward all; Let me do deeds that shower happiness on all, And form ideas in my mind that are beneficial to all. May this day be made worthwhile by Thy service.”
Love Compassion Affirmation : I will be compassionate towards all and treat everyone equally. Silent Sitting: All students are requested to sit in a comfortable position. Keep your hands on the table or your lap. Do deep breathing. Breath in……breathe out…..Breathe in …… breathe out……. Contemplate on the moments when you showed compassion. Seek Swami's guidance and visualize Swami to be with you all the time. .
Love Compassion God loves everybody, unconditionally SONG: God loves everybody, unconditionally There's no favorite here in His creation He loves all His children, loves us equally And that love's my greatest inspiration So we should love all, serve all, that is the way for me Love all, serve all, that is the way to be Deep in my heart of heart, I hear a holy call To love all, serve all
Love Compassion The owner of the field, naturally enraged at their behaviour and at the loss to which they were subjecting him, fell upon them with a stout cane. The Master was sorry that his disciples had broken discipline so objectionably, drawn by the desire of the tongue for the sweet juice. Once when Samartha Ramadas (a great saint from Maharastra who was the preceptor of King Sivaji) was moving about the countryside with his disciples, those behind him seeing a fine field of juicy sugar cane, entered it and started pulling out the cane, crunching it with great relish.
Love Compassion The next day they reached Emperor Sivaji’s place, where a great welcome awaited the Guru and his followers. Sivaji offered to attend personally to the Guru during his ceremonial bath.When Ramadas undressed, Sivaji was shocked to find broad red marks, indicating that he had been beaten! Such was the sensitive sympathy of the great saint that he received on his back the blows meant for his pupils. Sivaji sent for the owner of the field of cane. When he stood shivering in fear before the Emperor and his Guru, Ramadas was requested by Sivaji to inflict on him any punishment he liked. But Ramadas accepted the fact that wrong was committed by his disciples and blessed the farmer, granting him a boon that his lands would be tax free forever.
Love Compassion DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Students come up with topics for discussion from the story.
Love Compassion Group Activity: Represent compassion in the form of a drawing or a poem.
Love Compassion LIFE APPLICATION / HOMEWORK: Research on any two people who have shown compassion in their lives.