A Broad View of Environment Statistics 6th Administrative Data Centre Seminar, Dublin Paul Morrin, Assistant Director General, CSO October 24th, 2017
Welcome 6th seminar today focusing on environmental statistics Broad range of topics Broad audience Traditional focus in CSO was on economic and social statistics CSO has become more involved in environment statistics in recent years in response to Regulations Many government departments and agencies are involved in compilation of environmental statistics www.cso.ie
Environmental Agencies (examples) 1845 Geological Survey of Ireland 1936 Met Éireann 1968 BirdWatch Ireland 1988 Teagasc 1991 Marine Institute 1993 Environmental Protection Agency 1993 COFORD 2002 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2003 National Parks and Wildlife Service 2006 Road Safety Authority 2007 National Biodiversity Data Centre 2008 Socio-Economic Marine Research Unit 2010 Inland Fisheries Ireland www.cso.ie
International Environmental Policies UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Rio) 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio) Kyoto Framework 1997 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution Aarhus Convention 2010 Aichi Biodiversity Targets Sendai Framework 2015 Paris Agreement www.cso.ie
Environment Statistics within CSO Evolved as part of Trade Statistics Division but need for dedicated Division emerged as Eurostat moved voluntary data collections onto a legal basis - Regulation (EU) No 691/2011 - Regulation (EU) No 538/2014 In 2015 a separate Environment Division created partially in response to increasing Eurostat obligations Primary focus is on legal obligations to provide statistics to Eurostat but also on efficiency of environment-related statistics nationally www.cso.ie
Today’s Seminar Wide variety of themes will be presented Many other themes: asset accounts (physical and monetary); circular economy; fisheries; forestry; fresh water; meteorology; natural capital accounts; physical supply and use tables Environment will increasingly interact with social and economic statistics in response to climate change and sustainable development concerns Changes in environment condition and its ability to provide ecosystem services such as water purification, flood protection, air purification, and pollination have not been valued in national accounts www.cso.ie
Timetable Very challenging for us to keep to it 15 minutes per presentation so high level view We will let presenters know when they are in their last 2 minutes Chance for discussion after 5 presentations Then coffee break and 4 more presentations Our first speaker today is Clare O’Hara from the CSO, who will give a presentation on one of the Environment Accounts modules www.cso.ie
Thank You