Jesus and Money Matthew 6:19-34


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Presentation transcript:

Jesus and Money Matthew 6:19-34 Good evening everyone. I believe the Lord Jesus was the greatest teacher who ever lived. His teaching challenges those that would be his disciples to behave differently from other people. He challenges those that would follow him in many different ways – for example the way we treat those around us. The way we should be loving and forgiving, the way we should be holy and blameless in our lives – at least to the best extent that we can. Jesus’ teaching to his disciples and their attitude to money is no different – he challenges us to have a completely different attitude to money from those around us. We live in a very money-orientated and materialistic society. The teaching of Jesus about money is diametrically opposed to normal living.

Matthew the Tax Collector Matthew 9:9, Luke 5:27-32 He forsook all to follow Jesus Matthew rejoiced that he had been called by Jesus

Matthew was the living embodiment Serving One Master Matthew 6:19-24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and serve the other . . you can not serve God and money. Matthew was the living embodiment – he chose to serve God

Seeking First God’s Kingdom Matthew 6:25-34 God looks after birds, flowers and grass He will provide for us Don’t be anxious – get your priorities right & God will look after us

The Kingdom is worth more than everything we own Value of the Kingdom Matthew 13:44-46 Treasure in a field Pearl Merchant The Kingdom is worth more than everything we own

Beware of being greedy and trying to build up wealth Building Bigger Barns Luke 12:13-21 Beware of being greedy and trying to build up wealth

What must I do? Luke 10:25-37 Mark 10:17-30 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself Jesus’ answer was different for each individual. Trust in God not in riches

Disciple’s Fundamental Principle Matthew 22:15-22 What should our attitude be to taxes? Pay them Fundamental truth: We are in the image of God We need to give worldly things to Caesar and give ourselves to God

Jesus’ Challenges About Money Your treasure is where your heart is You cannot serve God and money Seek 1st God’s kingdom & he will provide The kingdom is of infinite value It is worth more than anything we have Don’t be greedy Life is more than what we possess Love God and trust in God over everything We are in God’s image So let’s give ourselves to him