Better Than We Found It! Rev. Cean R. James A presentation by the candidate for Associate Conference Minister for Congregational Development Rev. Cean R. James
This is the church we remember:
This is the church we remember:
All Too Familiar Story
Robert Baden-Powell Lieutenant General in the British Army Founder of worldwide Scouting. “ You should leave this earth a little better than you found it.”
The pertinent question? For this current generation, can we honestly say that we have left the church better than we found it? I purposefully will not mention the doomsday quotes about the church
Do you want to get well? Are you content with the status quo? Do you remember what it’s like to be healthy? Does the future of the church matter to you? Are you willing to move in order that wellness may be achieved?
Characteristics of a healthy system movement growth and development. response to stimuli. reproduction. use of energy. cellular structure.
Everyone is asking…… HOW?
Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Evangelism “One thirsty person telling another thirsty person where to find water.” Our main objective is not to add numbers to our local church. The main objective is to spread the Good News! Creativity in evangelism using all available means of communication and technology to spread the gospel
Destination - Evaluate The Transformation Process Destination - Evaluate Campfires - Implement --- Perseverance --- Along the trail - Plan --------------------- Trailhead - Diagnose -------------- Commitment ------------- Parking lot - Prepare 16
Natural Church Development 1. Empowering leadership 2. Gift-oriented ministry 3. Passionate spirituality 4. Functional structures 5. Inspiring worship 6. Holistic small groups 7. Need-oriented evangelism 8. Loving relationships
Remember what is most important… “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30
The Power of a single positive act 2. Kirk Cameron