Competitor Information Session 2017
Directors: Jessica Shao and Lilian Wan Contact us: 2
Guest Speaker Nadhirah Daud
STRUCTURE OF NEGOTIATIONS Formalities Opening statement/ Story time Interests Option Generation Option Evaluation Conclusion Self-evaluation 12
FEEDBACK FROM PRACTICE ROUND Opening statement More creativity More empathy (don’t make up facts but make it more emotive) Outline your expectations Don’t read from the paper Second team should try to connect their opening statement to the first team’s, i.e. respond → “We apologise on behalf of our client - he never meant to undermine your client…” 13
FEEDBACK FROM PRACTICE ROUND Interests Have INTERESTS, don’t just list OPTIONS Some teams could have improved by being firmer with their interests; others were too aggressive 14
FEEDBACK FROM PRACTICE ROUND Options Creativity – will come with experience During Generation: as many as possible – don’t comment/reject during this stage E.g. internships, scholarships, job opportunities, media publications, etc. 15
FEEDBACK FROM PRACTICE ROUND Evaluation Try not to reject options straightaway – “it is unlikely that my client will agree to it at this stage, but this can be further discussed later on” Don’t evaluate before this stage! If it does happen, do your best to bring it back 16
FEEDBACK FROM PRACTICE ROUND Teamwork Try to speak equally Communication BETWEEN partners: can still talk candidly in front of your opposing team Don’t talk over one another/opposing team e.g. Can nudge each other/etc as a symbol Potential strategies: good/bad cop 17
FEEDBACK FROM PRACTICE ROUND Relationship with other team Be sparing with threats Negotiate openly Do not pass notes or whisper Everything should be out in the open – otherwise, take your 5 min break 18
FEEDBACK FROM PRACTICE ROUND Outcome KNOW what outcome you will be bringing back to your client Spend last 5min together going over instructions to be taken back to the client Make sure you have the same understanding! 19
FEEDBACK FROM PRACTICE ROUND Self-evaluation Be constructive More critical at times Manner 1. Remember to speak formally at all times 20
FEEDBACK FROM PRACTICE ROUND General More confidence! Prepare list of probing/clarification questions Strategic use of confidential info/BATNA e.g. mentioning Thomas’ other job offers Stick to structure 21