Older Person’s Advocate Portsmouth Inner City Cluster Churches Jill Phipps Jill.Phipps@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk 07710 394 351
Key aims of the post: To show the church’s love and care to older people and their carers and families To offer spiritual support to older people and their carers and families Objectives: To reach out to older people in order to reduce loneliness and isolation To support the Clergy in their ministry to older people and to develop resources To recruit, train and support volunteers
Offering Spiritual support Bringing Holy Communion and ‘Church’ to those who cant get there Offering the opportunity to join with festivals during the Church year Giving opportunities for Bible study and reflection Visiting people in their own homes for prayer and support
Supporting Churches Promoting Dementia Awareness sessions –aiming for a Dementia Friendly Deanery & Diocese Linking up with Churches across the Diocese who are looking at developing Dementia friendly Church Working with others who support older people in their communities Meeting Archbishop Justin at Lambeth Palace to discuss ministry with older people
Transforming Society Networking with other organisations in the City to raise awareness of this role Promote a positive image of later life and ageing, story-telling Celebration events – Silver Screen, Tea Dance, Celebration service planned for October 1st 2016 - International Older Person’s Day Inter-generational links
Going Forward… Applying for funding for a further year Lots of plans to continue to develop and expand the role More cake needed!