Fulbright US Student Program Study/Research Grants Connect with the CCSA: Online at ccsa.uchicago.edu Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/UChicago_CCSA; Through Facebook: http://facebook.com/uchicagocollegescholarships With our Listserv: https://lists.uchicago.edu/web/info/fellowships_info
What is the Fulbright Program? In brief: The Fulbright Program was designed for the “promotion of international good will through the exchange of students in the fields of education, culture, and science” – Senator J. William Fulbright
Notable Alumni: Philip Glass Joseph Stiglitz 96 Pulitzer Prize Winners (Fulbright in one form or another) 53 Nobel Peace Prize Winners
2200 grants to international students …So what does that mean? 2200 grants to international students 1900 grants to US Students
To the website! us.fulbrightonline.org
Study/Research: 9 to 11 month grant (varies by country) Provides funding to pursue independent or collaborative research project ~140 countries currently accepting proposals
The Application: The main components you will be responsible for producing are: 2 page Statement of Grant Purpose 1 page Personal Statement Embark Online Application Includes Language Self-Evaluation
Research: Topics are entirely self-selected For lab sciences, it’s absolutely possible to plug into an existing project Requires “Letter of Affiliation” Huge variation in composition of projects: Humanities Arts Social Sciences Biological/Physical Sciences
Letter of Affiliation: Please see handout for additional information It’s possible to incorporate multiple letters of affiliation, depending on the scope and/or requirements of your proposal. Affiliation Panel tomorrow! 12pm in HM 284
Successful Components: Brief Abstract Background Information Research Plan Feasibility/Timeline Significance
Study: Pursue coursework or a degree through a “Partner Award” Typically do not require Letter of Affiliation Though, if you have one, they will absolutely read it Partner Awards are uncommonly competitive The UK fields ~1,000 applications for <50 awards
Successful Study Components: Background Information Course of Study Feasibility/Qualifications Trajectory Cultural Engagement
The Application: Additional Requirements: 3 Letters of Recommendation Standard 1.5/2 page letters for Study/Research Letter of Affiliation: Research required Study highly encouraged Language Evaluation Form (if necessary)
Letter of Recommendation: Carry a great deal of weight. Will speak to your capacity to successfully complete the proposed project. It will be hugely beneficial for your letter of recommendation writers to have access to your Statement of Grant Purpose It’s useful to start discussing your topic with potential letter of recommendation writers as soon as possible.
The Timeline: April 3; Fulbright “Primer”: Breaks SoGP into component building blocks Brainstorming activity – non-binding June 1; first “draft” of Embark Online Application July 11; rough drafts of essays A good time to formally ask for Letters of Recommendation August 29; Campus Interview Deadline October 1; Final Campus Deadline
The Timeline (after Submission): November/December: National Screening Committee Mostly college professors/PhDs who have regional familiarity with the country you are applying to NOT discipline specific (excluding Arts) Forward 1.5 to 2 times the number of applications as there are grants to be awarded For example: (us.fulbrightonline.org/statistics)
The Timeline (after Submission): January 2018; first round notifications March through April 2018; Host Country Selection ~August 2018; grant begins March 2019 for some countries in Western Hemisphere
Crafting a Competitive Application: It takes time. It takes great letters of recommendation. It takes a strong letter of Affiliation. It will not expound on a love of culture or an uncritical appreciation of the Fulbright mission.
Final Thoughts: Value of “the Process” UChicago has a strong history of producing outstanding Fulbright Grantees: Top Producing List