Identifying Lab Equipment Formative Assessment Chemistry
Directions Number your paper from 1-25. For each slide in which you have to identify the glassware or equipment, write the name of the glassware or equipment based on the picture shown. For the remaining questions at the end, choose the correct answer.
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Number 18
Number 19
Number 20
Which of the following is used to measure the volume of a liquid? Test tube Graduated cylinder Beaker Erlenmeyer flask
Which of the following is used to hold a beaker?
True or False An Erlenmeyer flask and a Florence flask are the same piece of glassware.
Which of the following is used to observe samples of a chemical Which of the following is used to observe samples of a chemical? (“Science Safety”) Mortar and pestle Triangle Pipette Watch glass
Which of the following is used to grind up a chemical? Mortar and pestle Wire gauze Petri dish Crucible
Works Cited Common Laboratory Equipment. UCLA. 23 August 2011 <>. Commonly Used Lab Equipment . 23 August 2011 <>. Google. Google. 23 August 2011 <,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=603&wrapid=tljp1314138950910020&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=5728212168887382631&sa=X&ei=Sk1UTvbFBoHg0QHr7MDNAg&sqi=2&ved=0CEsQ8gIwBQ#>. Identify Laboratory Devices. 18 August 2011. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 23 August 2011 <>. “”, 2013-2016. Web. 21 August 2017. Science Safety. Insights Visual Productions, Inc, 1995.