Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope for ASTROSAT ASTROSAT is India’s first dedicated astronomy Satellite and is scheduled to launch on board the PSLV in 2014. Astrosat is currently proposed as a multi-wavelength astronomy mission on an IRS-class satellite into a near-Earth, equatorial orbit by the PSLV. The 4 instruments on-board cover the visible (320-530 nm), near UV (180-300 nm), far UV (130-180 nm), soft X-ray (0.3-8 keV and 2-10 keV) and hard X-ray (3-80 keV and 10-150 keV) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The satellite is a collaborative effort of the TIF, ISRO Satellite Centre, IIA, RRI, IUCAA and PRL, all of which are involved in the development of hardware for this mission. In addition, several centres of ISRO are involved in the designing of components and subsystems and several other institutes are involved in developing software for the mission. The Canadian Space Agency is also involved in the making of this satellite. Onboard Instruments of ASTROSAT Twin 40-cm Ultraviolet Imaging Telescopes (UVIT) covering Far- UV to optical bands. Three units of Large Area Xenon Proportional Counters (LAXPC) covering medium energy X-rays from 3 to 80 keV with an effective area of 6000 sq.cm. at 10 keV. A Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) with conical foil mirrors and X-ray CCD detector, covering the energy range 0.3-8 keV. The effective area will be about 200 sq.cm. at 1 keV. A Cadmium-Zinc-Telluride coded-mask imager (CZTI), covering hard X-rays from 10 to 150 keV, with about 10 deg field of view and 1000 sq.cm. effective area. UVIT Technical Specification Telescope: Aperture : 375mm Optical Configuration: RC Focal Length: 4750mm Plate Scale: 23.2micron/arc Sec Field of View: 28arc min Detector: Microchannel Plate + Photon-counting CMOS 3 channels: FUV, NUV, VIS simultaneous Filters: FUV (130 -180nm): Caf2, Baf2, Sapphire, Silica, Grating, Block NUV ( 200 -300nm ) : Caf2, Silica, NUV13, NUV15, NUVB4, NUVN2 Grating, Block VIS: Bk7, VIS1, VIS2, VIS3, ND, Block Sensitivity: ~ 20 mag Image resol: 1.8 arc-sec Temporal resolution: 30 ms, full frame,< 5 ms, small window http://uvit.iiap.res.in/ http://www.iiap.res.in/iiaoutreach Poster Credit: Prasanna Deshmukh