Policy Options for Urban Environmental Justice Indra Frank, MD, MPH Director of Environmental Health & Water Policy December 8, 2016
Definition of Environmental Justice The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.
Policy Solutions for Urban Environmental Justice Funding Community Engagement Policy
2017 Indiana Legislature Speed up clean ups By revising the Voluntary Remediation Program Improve water infrastructure Improve inspections & enforcement By restoring IDEM’s budget which is down 25% since 2007
EJ Solutions from other states Dedicated EJ seats on planning or environmental boards Specific funds reserved for correcting environmental disparities Specific funds reserved for community assistance A policy that community impact must be considered in permitting
Oregon 2007 Senate Bill 420 all persons affected by decisions of natural resource agencies have a voice in those decisions.
EJ Solutions from Other Cities Consider the vulnerability of, and existing health risks to nearby populations in permitting decisions Enhance enforcement of public health protections Increase public participation
Cincinnati EJ Ordinance of 2009 Under the authority of the police power to “protect the citizenry from material, cumulative adverse impacts on health” All “proposed projects” must obtain an environmental justice permit in order to operate within the city The EJ permit application requires an analysis of the project’s impact on the community within a one-mile radius DeGuire, J. The Cincinnati Environmental Justice Ordinance. 60 Clev. St. L. Rev. 223 (2012) http://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1007&context=clevstlrev
New York EJ Alliance Recommendations to NYC Attention to vulnerable communities in infrastructure spending Revise selection criteria for Community Parks Initiative to more fairly increase open space for low-income and minority communities Implement a zoned system for commercial hauling to improve public health in neighborhoods overburdened by truck traffic New York City Environmental Justice Alliance http://www.nyc-eja.org/
King County, WA Mapped composite demographic score Mapped walkability to assets (transit, food, schools, health facilities, etc) Established community norms for transit access, food access, digital access, schools, libraries, health facilities, urban tree canopy, and public parks Equitable Services and Access: Community Level Outcomes for King County, WA http://www.starcommunities.org/uploads/King-County-outcome-submittal-for-EE-4-of-STAR-Rating-System.pdf
Other Resources Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Org: Environmental Justice http://www.indympo.org/About/GetInvolved/Pages/Environmental-Justice.aspx California EPA (2016). Environmental Justice Program Update http://www.calepa.ca.gov/EnvJustice/Documents/2016/EJReport.pdf California Environmental Justice Alliance http://caleja.org Oregon Environmental Justice Task Force http://www.oregon.gov/gov/policy/environment/environmental_justice/Pages/default.aspx