Flipped Classroom & PBL: Theory and Practice Katie Vernon @KVernonBHS Bill Huitt @whuitt Back Channel: https://todaysmeet.com/FlippedPBLWorkshop
Part 6 Summary & Conclusions
Summary/Conclusions Exponential Sociocultural Change
Summary/Conclusions Exponential Sociocultural Change Avoid Flavor of the Month
Summary/Conclusions Exponential Sociocultural Change Avoid Flavor of the Month Best Practice → Next Practice
Summary/Conclusions Exponential Sociocultural Change Avoid Flavor of the Month Best Practice → Next Practice Flipped Classroom, Problem-based, and Project-based
Summary/Conclusions Exponential Sociocultural Change Avoid Flavor of the Month Best Practice → Next Practice Flipped Classroom, Problem-based, and Project-based Integrate
Summary/Conclusions Exponential Sociocultural Change Avoid Flavor of the Month Best Practice → Next Practice Flipped Classroom, Problem-based, and Project-based Integrate Consult and Share
Thank You! Twitter Handles: @KVernonBHS @whuitt Email Addresses: kvernon@brandonhall.org whuitt@valdosta.edu
Resources Websites Podcasts and Webinars https://sites.google.com/a/brandonhal l.org/kvernon-bhs/home http://www.edpsycinteractive.org/ http://flippedlearning.org/ Podcasts and Webinars The Flip Side with Jon Bergmann https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/flip-side-jon- bergmann/id646787432?mt=2 Flippedlearning.org Archived Webinars http://flippedlearning.org//site/Default.aspx?PageID=48 ASCD Flipped Learning Webinar http://www.ascd.org/professional- development/webinars/flipped-learning-gateway-to- student-engagement-webinar.aspx