Castles around Prešov
Kapušany castle Castle ruins lies on Zámčisko hill Situated near village Kapušany Built in 13. century First owner was Moglód family After Moglóds, royal chamber Destroyed in 1312 (war between Karol Robert and Matúš Čák) 1410, Andrej Kappy – built new castle
Kapušany castle Refortified in second half of 16. century 1685 – Imrich Tököli seized control of castle Commander of Francis II. Rákoci’s army had burned castle in 1709 Temporary repaired in 1712 1715 – House of Parliament decided to destroy castle Present time – reconstruction in progress
Kapušany castle
Šariš castle Castle ruins lies on volcanic hill 570 meters above the sea, near city Veľký Šariš First mention about castle is from 1245 Built to defend important Toryska route New castle walls after Tatar’s invasion (440 cm) Residence of the kings (Belo IV., Stephan, Ladislav IV.) 1290 – new owner: Soósovs family After battle in Rozhanovce (1312), castle win Karol Robert from Anjou
Šariš castle 1436 – Castle became property of Peréniov’s family This family built most of the residential and economical buildings Imperial army conquered castle in 1537 After 1642 castle became property of Rákoci’s family After 1660 one part destroyed after explosion of gun powder 1687 – castle captain let burn down damaged buildings Since 2006 – owner is city of Veľký Šariš In present – reconstruction in progress
Šariš castle
Zbojnícky castle Castle ruins, lies on Zamek hill near Ruská nová Ves King Ladislav let Juraj Bokš built this castle between 13. and 14. century First owner was Soóso’s family (14. century – 1670) Castle survived lots of wars and was often damaged 1552 – damaged by citizens of Prešov 1575 – after kings order, captain of Šariš castle captured this castle and damaged him 1715 – House of Parliament decided to destroy him At present ruins are decaying
Zbojnícky castle
Thanks for your time Juraj Olejňák I. A