and the surrounding European Republics Russian Federation and the surrounding European Republics
Fun FACTS National Anthem: Russia is bigger than Pluto (km2) 77% is considered SIBERIA Russia and the US are 4 km apart Largest country in the world- LAND (9 time zones) Home to the largest river & fresh water lake 1980 Olympics Moscow Joseph Stalin-Communist ruler Anastasia and Rasputin is a TRUE story but NOT the Disney version
Lake Baikal Deepest lake in the world Depth: >1 mile Width: >400 miles Holds 20% of fresh water in the world
Map TIME Turn to page 336
EUROPE VOCAB “mr. Help” style Get out piece of paper Open textbook to pg 344
Russia History: Beginning # 1 Slavic people #2 Vikings from Scandinavia #3 Tartars from Mongolia- aka Mongols led by Genghis Khan #4 Ivan the Great/”Terrible”- 1st czar (king) #5 Peter the Great:1682-1725 St. Petersburg named after him REFORM- built up military, new territory, education #6 Catherine the Great
1 2 4 3 5
Nicholas and Alexandra Romanov : the Parents Nicholas II marries German princess Alexandra “Alix” 4 girls and 1 son Last czar of Russia Monarchy overthrown in RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1917 Russian Revolution Causes: 1. land issues 2. Nicholas II- disliked (too much of a family guy) and lost Russo- Japanese War 3. WWI 4. Rasputin 5. Workers Strikes- “land, bread, peace”
Grigori RAsputin The real story
Nicholas and Alexandra Romanov : the Parents Nicholas II marries German princess Alexandra “Alix” 4 girls and 1 son Last czar of Russia Monarchy overthrown in RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1917 Russian Revolution Causes: 1. land issues 2. Nicholas II- disliked (too much of a family guy) and lost Russo- Japanese War 3. WWI 4. Rasputin 5. Workers Strikes- “land, bread, peace”
EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT: Pavel Medevedev "In the evening of 16 July, Commandant Yurovsky [the head of the execution squad] ordered me to take all the revolvers from the guards and to bring them to him. I took twelve revolvers …and brought them to the commandant's office. Yurovsky said to me, 'We must shoot them all tonight; so notify the guards not to be alarmed if they hear shots.' I understood, therefore, that Yurovsky had it in his mind to shoot the whole of the Tsar's family, as well as the doctor and the servants who lived with them, but I did not ask him where or by whom the decision had been made...”