Diamond Creek for 12 years Teaching since 1986 Taught all grades K-5 Clara M. Beasley Diamond Creek for 12 years Teaching since 1986 Taught all grades K-5 5 years previous experience teaching 1st grade Grew up in Texas on a working ranch Married 3 kids 5 grandkids
Communication Monthly Newsletter Mrs. Beasley’s Email cbeasley@rcsdk8.org Phone 771-1765 Ext. 9109 Website www.rcsdk8.org
PTC PTC directly benefits students Classroom supplies Technology P.E. and playground equipment Field trips Music and enrichment Join for $10 per family Stay informed: Sign up for Weekly Eblast at www.diamondcreekptc.com
Parent Volunteers Yes Please! Classroom volunteers (Handout) Prep starts now Small groups in a couple of weeks Friday, September 20th – Walk-a-thon (sign up sheet) Art Docent (sign up sheet)
Our Class Rules Be safe. Be kind. Be responsible. Work together as a team. Always Do Your Best!
Discipline and Rewards Consistent/ constant praise Class rewards Stickers, stamps Treasure box Caught Showing Character Related & Logical Consequences Fun Friday How’s your day? Green: Great Job Yellow: Warning Blue: Loss of activity & parent contacted Red: Citation, loss of activity/Fun Friday & parents contacted
8:55 – 9:15 Opening Routines/Daily Review/Calendar 9:15 – 9:50 Whole Class Language Arts, Phonics Lesson 9:50 - 10:25 Specials/Science 10:25 – 10:37 Recess 10:40 –11:45 Daily 5 – Small group instruction 11:45 – 12:25 Lunch 12:25 – 1:10 Read Aloud 1:10 – 1:55 Math 1:55 – 2:05 Recess 2:05 – 2:30 Silent Reading/RTI 2:30 – 3:15 Math Centers, Social Studies, Art, Star Student, Buddies 3:15 Dismissed
Common Core Standards for Language Arts, Open Court Curriculum plus supplemental materials. daily phonics big books decodables fluency anthologies grammar usage comprehension strategies Lexia Reading Program new computer program designed to help early readers improve their skills help advanced readers fill in any gaps
Milestones Fry’s List of 150 Words (minimum standard is 100) See handout 1-50 Trimester one 51-100 Trimester two 101-150 Trimester three Fluency 20 words correct per minute – Trimester One 40 words correct per minute – Trimester Two 55 words correct per minute – Trimester three
We will focus on three different types of writing; 1. Narrative 2. Informational 3. Argumentative/Opinion. Students will learn to write on a topic using complete paragraphs.
Macmillan McGraw-Hill strong focus on hands on and real-life strategies Number sense to 120 Addition & subtraction facts to 20 Geometry Measurement Time Place value Word problems
Our Science program is wonderful and filled with exciting hands-on tasks for our class. Life Science - Organisms, Ladybugs Earth Science – Weather/Seasons Physical Science - Solids, Liquids, and Gases.
Topics include: Responsibility Our community Maps Change over time Symbols Traditions
Language Arts: Weekly Packet – spelling words and a writing assignment Language Arts: Weekly Packet – spelling words and a writing assignment. The packet will come home on Friday and is due on the following Thursday. Math: Activities will be provided to complete at home for additional math practice or challenge, as needed. Reading: 15 minutes each night. A variety of reading to them, them reading to you, independent reading, family reading time.
9:50 - 10:25 Monday - Science Tuesday – PE Wednesday – PE Thursday - Computer Lab Friday – Library (Return books on Thursday) Music - TBD
First Grade is a magical year! Thank you for coming Questions ?