Newsletter/ Weekly Note Template Thanks for downloading my newsletter template. In order to use this you will need to download the fonts I used or change them. The fonts featured in the template are from Please go to their website to download. The asterisks denote where the text boxes are for your convenience. Enjoy! First Grade Techie Fonts used: *Pea Amiee *Firefly Castle *Pea Ambre *Freeze! *Pea Cammie *Pea Jane *Pea Ash *Pea Faye *A Little Pot *KG Behind These Hazel Eyes
Mrs. Corrigan’s EAGLE NEWS Week of January 20-23 What We’re Learning: Reading: Announcements Report cards go home, Wednesday, January 21, please sign them and return them on Thursday. We will be reading nonfiction arctic animal books and learning about text features. We will be also be looking at National Geographic online. Writing: We are continuing to write our nonfiction books. We are adding table of contents and chapters! Math: We are learning about place value. Don’t forget to do the math homework pages sent home. Parent Initials 20 min reading Parent Initials 20 min reading Parent Initials 20 min reading In social studies we are learning about citizenship. We will be voting on a class president soon! Science/ Social Studies: Spelling Words Me Be Read Feet Tree Eat Theme: Arctic Animals Special Area: Monday-Spanish Tuesday: Music Wednesday: Art Thursday: Computer Friday: P.E. Birthdays January Esteisy, 14 Febuary Marjorie, 7 Moriah, 7 Javonte, 13 Street Keep Mean These Please Sea