Welcome to Mrs. Burns’ 1st Grade Class!
Whoooo is Mrs. Burns? B.S. in Early Childhood Education from Berry College M.Ed in Early Childhood Education from KSU ELL Endorsed and Gifted Endorsed 14th year teaching in Cobb County/ 4th year at Eastvalley Volunteer/foster with Angels Among Us Pet Rescue Married with a 14 year old son and 3 year old daughter
In 1st Grade We… Listen carefully Follow directions Work independently Complete assigned work on time Work and cooperate in large and small groups Develop responsibility for ourselves, our belongings, and our actions
Reading Word Study (phonics and spelling) Readers’ Workshop & Guided Reading Grade Level Reading Targets (DRA Levels used for Guided Reading) A B C D E F G H I J K L M Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade
Writing Mathematics Writers’ Workshop Writing Genres- narrative, opinion, informative/explanatory Mathematics Math Workshop & Guided Math Number Talks Curriculum- addition and subtraction facts and strategies, word problems, comparing numbers, place value, data, measurement, time, shapes **Addition & Subtraction Facts should be mastered by the end of 1st grade.
Social Studies and Science Integrated throughout the curriculum Social Studies- geography (landforms, continents & oceans), economics (goods/services, spending/saving, producers/consumers, scarcity), historical figures Science- weather and seasons, water, magnets, sound, light and shadows, plants, animals STEM
Report Cards Common Core GPS Standards-based report card Outlines what each student should know, understand, and be able to do Clear communication of student’s progress to meeting standards Indicates mastery 3+: exceeds standards 3: consistently meeting the standard 2: progressing toward meeting the standard 1: limited or minimum progress Criteria changes every 9 weeks
Positive Management in our Classroom… 7 Habits and Leader in Me One Stop Shop Marble Jar Logical Consequences Behavior Key
Daily Agendas & Folders The agenda will come to and from school each day and should be signed every night. Agenda includes a behavior key, specials schedule, and school events. Look for communication from the teacher or school on the “Return to School” side of the communication folder AND on the agenda calendar. Use this folder for any notes, money, or transportation changes.
Homework Reading Spelling OPTIONAL Homework Menu 20+ minutes/day weekly reading log Spelling 2 choices from spelling menu OPTIONAL Homework Menu Special activities/projects sent home periodically
Odds and Ends… Attendance Transportation Changes Money Blog & SeeSaw App Standardized Tests EVRC/Accelerated Reader Birthdays Snacks and Water Bottles PTSA
3 Cheers for Volunteers! Room Rep(s) Art Class Volunteer Art Appreciation Rep Media Center Volunteer Copy Parent Backpack Parent(s)
Please email me if you have any questions or concerns!!! Katie.Burns@cobbk12.org Please email me if you have any questions or concerns!!!