From t-test to … multilevel analyses Stein Atle Lie
Outline Pared t-test (Mean and standard deviation) Two-group t-test (Mean and standard deviations) Linear regression GLM (general linear models) GEE (general estimation equations) GLMM (general linear mixed model) … SPSS, Stata, R, MLwiN, gllamm (Stata)
Multilevel models “Same thing – many names”: Generalized estimation equations Random effects models Random intercept and random slope models Mixed effects models Variance component models Frailty models (in survival analyses) Latent variables
Cortisol data – missing data
Objective Take the general thinking from simple statistical methods into more sophisticated data-structures and statistical analyses Focus on the interpretation of the results with respect to those found in basic statistical methods
Multilevel data Types of data: Repeated measures for the same individual The same measure is repeated several times on the same individual Several observers have measured the same individual Several different measures for the same individual Related observations (siblings, families, …) A categorical variable with ”many” levels (multicenter data, hospitals, clinics, …) Panel data
Null hypotheses In ordinary statistics (using both pared and two‑sample t-tests) we define a null hypothesis. H0: m1 = m2 We assume that mean from group (or measure) 1 is equal to the mean from group (or measure) 2. Alternatively H0: D = m1-m2 = 0
p-value Definition: “If our null-hypothesis is true - what is the probability to observe the data* that we did?” * And hence the mean, t-statistic, etc…
p-value We assume that our null-hypothesis is true (m0=0 or m1-m2=0) We observe our data Mean value etc. Under the assumption of normal distributed data p-value The p-value is the probability to observe our data (or something more extreme) under the given assumptions m0
Pared t-test The straightforward way to analyze two repeated measures is a pared t-test. Measure at time1 or location1 (e.g. Data1) is directly compared to measure at time2 or location2 (e.g. Data2) Is the difference between Data1 and Data2 (Diff = Data1-Data2) unlike 0?
Pared t-test (n=10) PASW: T-TEST PAIRS=Data1 WITH Data2 (PAIRED).
Pared t-test The pared t-test will only be performed for complete (balanced) data. What happens if we delete two observations from data2? (Only 8 complete pairs remain)
Pared t-test (n=8) PASW: T-TEST PAIRS=Data1 WITH Data2 (PAIRED). Excel
Two group t-test If we now consider the data from time1 and time2 (or location1 and location2) to be independent (even if their not) and use a two group t-test on the full dataset, 2*10 observations
Two group t-test (n=20 [10+10]) PASW: T-TEST GROUPS=Grp(1 2) /VARIABLES=Data.
Two group t-test Observe that mean for Grp1 and Grp2 is equal to mean for Data1 and Data2 And that the mean difference is also equal The difference between pared t-test and two group t-test lies in the Variance - and the number of observations and therefore in the standard deviation and standard error and hence in the p-value and confidence intervals
Two group t-test The two group t-test are performed on all available data. What happens if we delete two observations from Grp2? (Only 8 complete pairs remain - but 18 observations remain!)
Two group t-test (n=18 [10+8]) PASW: T-TEST GROUPS=Grp(1 2) /VARIABLES=Data.
Two group t-test (s1=s2) s1 s2 m1 m2 D
Two group t-test (s1=s2) s1 s2
ANOVA (Analysis of variance (s1=s2=s3)
Linear regression If we now perform an ordinary linear regression with the data as outcome (dependent variable) and the group variable (Grp=1 and 2) as independent variable the coefficient for group is identical to the mean difference and the standard error, t-statistic, and p‑value are identical to those found in a two‑group t‑test
Linear regression (n=20) Stata: . regress data grp Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 20 -------------+------------------------------ F( 1, 18) = 1.38 Model | 21.0124998 1 21.0124998 Prob > F = 0.2554 Residual | 274.01701 18 15.2231672 R-squared = 0.0712 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.0196 Total | 295.02951 19 15.5278689 Root MSE = 3.9017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- grp | 2.05 1.744888 1.17 0.255 -1.615873 5.715873 _cons | 5.33 2.75891 1.93 0.069 -.4662545 11.12625
Linear regression Now exchange the independent variable for group (Grp=1 and 2) with a dummy variable (dummy=0 for grp=1 and dummy=1 for grp=2) the coefficient for the dummy is equal to the coefficient for grp (the mean difference) and the coefficient for the constant term is equal to the mean for grp1 (the standard error is not!)
Linear regression (n=20) Stata: . regress data dummy Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 20 -------------+------------------------------ F( 1, 18) = 1.38 Model | 21.0124998 1 21.0124998 Prob > F = 0.2554 Residual | 274.01701 18 15.2231672 R-squared = 0.0712 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.0196 Total | 295.02951 19 15.5278689 Root MSE = 3.9017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- dummy | 2.05 1.744888 1.17 0.255 -1.615873 5.715873 _cons | 7.38 1.233822 5.98 0.000 4.787836 9.972164
Linear models in Stata In ordinary linear models (regress and glm) in Stata one may add an option for clustered data – to obtain standard errors adjusted for intragroup correlation This is ideal when you want to adjust for clustered data, but are not interested in the correlation within or between groups And - you will still have the population effects!!
Linear regression (n=20) Stata: . regress data dummy, cluster(id) Linear regression Number of obs = 20 F( 1, 9) = 2.64 Prob > F = 0.1388 R-squared = 0.0712 Root MSE = 3.9017 (Std. Err. adjusted for 10 clusters in id) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust data | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- dummy | 2.05 1.262145 1.62 0.139 -.8051699 4.90517 _cons | 7.38 1.224847 6.03 0.000 4.609204 10.1508
Linear models in Stata Thus, we now have an alternative to the pared t‑test. The mean difference is identical to that obtained from the pared t‑test, and the standard errors (and p-values) are adjusted for intragroup correlation As an alternative we may use the program gllamm (Generalized Linear Latent And Mixed Models) in Stata
gllamm (n=20) gllamm (Stata): . gllamm data dummy, i(id) number of level 1 units = 20 number of level 2 units = 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- dummy | 2.05 1.167852 1.76 0.079 -.2389486 4.338949 _cons | 7.379808 1.172819 6.29 0.000 5.081124 9.678492 Variance at level 1 6.8193955 (3.0174853) Variances and covariances of random effects level 2 (id) var(1): 6.8114516 (4.5613185)
Linear models in Stata If we now delete two of the observations in Grp2 We then have coefficients (“mean differences”) calculated based on all (n=18) data and standard errors corrected for intragroup correlation - using the commands <regress>, <glm> or <gllamm>
Linear regression (n=18) Stata: . regress data dummy, cluster(id) Linear regression Number of obs = 18 F( 1, 9) = 1.63 Prob > F = 0.2332 R-squared = 0.0587 Root MSE = 4.1303 (Std. Err. adjusted for 10 clusters in id) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust data | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- dummy | 1.9575 1.531486 1.28 0.233 -1.506963 5.421963 _cons | 7.38 1.228869 6.01 0.000 4.600105 10.1599
gllamm (n=18) gllamm (Stata): . gllamm data dummy, i(id) number of level 1 units = 18 number of level 2 units = 10 log likelihood = -48.538837 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- dummy | 2.458305 1.253552 1.96 0.050 .0013882 4.915223 _cons | 7.357426 1.232548 5.97 0.000 4.941677 9.773176 Variance at level 1 6.4041537 (3.3485133) level 2 (id) var(1): 8.7561818 (5.1671805)
Intra class correlation (ICC) Variance at level 1 6.4041537 (3.3485133) level 2 (id) var(1): 8.7561818 (5.1671805) The total variance is hence 6.4041 + 8.7561= 15.1603 (and the standard deviation is hence 3.8936) The proportion of variance attributed to level 2 is therefore ICC = 8.7561/15.1603 = 0.578
Linear regression Ordinary linear regression Assumes data is Normal and i.i.d. (identical independent distributed)
Linear regression Y X Regression line: y = b0 + b1·x b1 b0 residual b1 (x1,y1) (xn,yn) (xi,yi) b0 Kortisol * Months Height * Weight Kortisol * Time X
Linear regression Assumptions: 1) y1, y2,…, yn are independent normal distributed 2) The expectation of Yi is: E(Yi) = b0 + b1·xi (linear relation between X and Y) 3) The variance of Yi is: var(Yi) = s2 (equal variance for ALL values of X)
Linear regression Assumptions - Residuals (ei): yi = a + b·xi + ei 1) e1, e2,…, en are independent normal distributed 2) The expectation of ei is: E(ei) = 0 3) The variance of ei is: var(Yi) = s2
Regression Y X ^ yi=a+b·xi What is the ”best” a and b? _ y _ x Least squares method (xi,yi) residual (e) ^ (yi-yi)2 residual (e) ^ (xi,yi) _ y X
Regression Least squares method: We wish that the sum of squares (The distance from all points to the line [the residuals]; squared) is as least as possible – we whish to find the minimum
Regression The least squares method: The solution is:
Regression The maximum likelihood method: Assumptions: 1) y1, y2,…, yn are random (independent), normal-distributed observations, i.i.d. 2) Expectation for Yi is: E(Yi) = a + b·xi 3) Variance for Yi is: var(Yi) = s2 f(y) maximized v.r.t. a and b. (The likelihood-function) This is the same as finding the minimum of For simple linear regression the least squares method and the maximum likelihood method are equal!
Regression Y X _ y _ x The maximum likelihood method ”The probability that the line fits the observed points” _ x _ y residual (e) ^ (xi,yi) (xi,yi) X
Ordinary linear regression The formula for an ordinary regression can be expressed as: yi = b0 + b1·xi + ei ei ~N(0, se2)
Interpretation of coefficients 50 Høyde i cm (X) 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 Vekt i kg (Y) 100 90 80 70 60 Kvinner Menn Y = - 97.6 + 0.96*X Y = a + b*X Det vil si: a = -97.6 og b=0.96
Interpretation of coefficients Y = - 85.0 + 0.91*X1 - 1.86*X2 } = 1.86 kg
Random intercept model Y Regression lines: yij = b0 + b1·xij+vij (x11,y11) b1 (xnp,ynp) b0+uj (xij,yij) su se X
Random intercept model For a random intercept model, we can express the regression line(s) - and the variance components as yij = b0 + b1·xij + vij vij = uj + eij eij ~N(0, se2) (individual) uj ~N(0, su2) (group)
Random intercept model Alternatively we may express the formulas, for the simple variance component model, in terms of random intercepts: yij = b0j + b1·xij + eij b0j = b0 + uj eij ~N(0, se2) (individual) uj ~N(0, su2) (group)
Random slope model For a random slope model (the intercepts are equal), we can express the regression line(s) and the variance components as yij = b0 + b1j·xij + eij b1j = b1+ wj eij ~N(0, se2) (individual) wj ~N(0, sw2) (group)
Random slope and intercept model For a random slope and random intercept model, we can express the regression line(s) and the variance components as yij = b0j + b1j·xij + eij b1j = b1+ wj b0j = b0 + uj eij ~N(0, se2) (individual) uj ~N(0, su2) (group) wj ~N(0, sw2) (group)
Cortisol data Cortisol level in saliva measured each morning in 3 days, in two periods* 55 individuals 278 observations (52 missing) * The real data was measured 5 times per day, in 3 days and 3 periods - from the article: Harris A, Marquis P, Eriksen HR, Grant I, Corbett R, Lie SA, Ursin H. Diurnal rhythm in British Antarctic personnel. Rural Remote Health. 2010 Apr-Jun;10(2):1351.
Cortisol data – missing data
Cortisol data – long data format
Cortisol data Period1 Period2
Linear model Stata: . glm kortisol period2 day2 day3, cluster(id) (. regress kortisol period2 day2 day3, cluster(id)) Generalized linear models No. of obs = 278 Optimization : ML Residual df = 274 (Std. Err. adjusted for 55 clusters in id) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust kortisol | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- period2 | -2.536544 .9788702 -2.59 0.010 -4.455094 -.6179938 day2 | .1313347 .7238506 0.18 0.856 -1.287386 1.550056 day3 | .6528685 .7052775 0.93 0.355 -.72945 2.035187 _cons | 11.31802 .9542124 11.86 0.000 9.447799 13.18824
Linear mixed model (variance component) Stata: . gllamm kortisol period2 day2 day3, i(id) number of level 1 units = 278 number of level 2 units = 55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ kortisol | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- period2 | -2.600979 .6875339 -3.78 0.000 -3.94852 -1.253437 day2 | .05486 .8154391 0.07 0.946 -1.543371 1.653091 day3 | .5183787 .8242555 0.63 0.529 -1.097132 2.13389 _cons | 11.29695 .7666444 14.74 0.000 9.794358 12.79955 Variance at level 1 31.202774 (2.9334224) Variances and covariances of random effects level 2 (id) var(1): 8.6764463 (2.8796675) ICC=0.218
Linear mixed model (variance component) lmer(Kortisol~1+Day2+Day3+Period2 +(1|ID),data=kortisol) Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. ID (Intercept) 8.8683 2.9780 Residual 31.6173 5.6229 Number of obs: 278, groups: ID, 55 Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error t value (Intercept) 11.29105 0.77282 14.610 Day2 0.05431 0.82076 0.066 Day3 0.51766 0.82946 0.624 Period2 -2.60115 0.69204 -3.759 ICC=0.219
Cortisol data Period1 Period2
Linear mixed model (variance component) PASW: MIXED Kortisol BY ID WITH Period2 Day2 Day3 /FIXED=Period2 Day2 Day3 | SSTYPE(3) /METHOD=REML /PRINT=SOLUTION /RANDOM=ID | COVTYPE(VC). ICC=0.219
Linear mixed model (random intercept model) lmer(Kortisol~1+Day+Period2 +(1|ID),data=kortisol) Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. ID (Intercept) 8.8879 2.9813 Residual 31.4891 5.6115 Number of obs: 278, groups: ID, 55 Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error t value (Intercept) 11.2281 0.7394 15.186 Day 0.2546 0.4137 0.616 Period2 -2.6007 0.6907 -3.765 ICC=0.220
Linear mixed model (random intercept model) Period1 Period2
Linear mixed model (random slope model) lmer(Kortisol~1+Day+Period2 +(Day-1|ID),data=kortisol) Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. ID Day 6.2228e-08 0.00024945 ! Residual 4.0499e+01 6.36390166 Number of obs: 278, groups: ID, 55 Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error t value (Intercept) 11.2575 0.6948 16.202 Day 0.3227 0.4660 0.692 Period2 -2.5361 0.7644 -3.318
Linear mixed model (random slope model) Period1 Period2
Linear mixed model (random slope & intercept) lmer(Kortisol~1+Day+Period2 +(1+Day|ID),data=kortisol) Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr ID (Intercept) 10.88014 3.29851 Day 0.10535 0.32457 -1.000 Residual 31.38000 5.60179 Number of obs: 278, groups: ID, 55 Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error t value (Intercept) 11.2138 0.7629 14.698 Day 0.2656 0.4149 0.640 Period2 -2.5940 0.6891 -3.764 ICC=0.257
Linear mixed model (random slope model) Period1 Period2
Summary The interpretation of parameter estimates of categorical variables (preferably dummy variables) from linear models can be interpreted as mean differences, as from ordinary t-test This is equivalent in models for repeated or clustered observations!
Software Personal opinion PASW/SPSS Very easy to do simple models (menu/syntax) Arrange data Stata Steeper learning curve to start Easy () to extend the simpler models to more sophisticated models (e.g. for other distributions!) glamm
Software Personal opinion Steep learning curve Nice graphics MLwiN Based on mouse clicking (impossible syntax) Informative screen using formulas SAS “Similar” to SPSS
IGLS – Iterative Generalised Least Squares RIGLS – Residual/Restricted Iterative Generalised Least Squares MCMC – Markov Chain Monte Carlo Bootstrap – «Baron von Munchausen»
Extended models - Stata
Extended models - SPSS
Extended models – Stata (gllamm) Family (F): and link (g): gaussian identity poisson log gamma reciprocal binomial logit probit cll (complementary log-log) ll (log-log) ologit (o stands for ordinal) oprobit ocll mlogit sprobit (scaled probit) soprobit
Extended models gllamm also allows for probability weighting (e.g. to adjust for dropout) The “svyset” (survey set) extention also allows for probability weighting, and robust variance estimates (linear models, logistic models, …)
Random slope and intercept model For a random slope and random intercept model, we can express the general regression line(s) and the variance (components) as g(yij) = b0j + b1j·xij + eij b1j = b1+ wj b0j = b0 + uj eij ~ F (individual) uj ~N(0, su2) (group) wj ~N(0, sw2) (group)