ETHICAL ISSUES WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Over-socialization: News Paper, Cinema, Radio, TV, Games, Social network, … Enforcing Group-think and lack of time for private deep thinking Breeding isolation between diverse views, and thus leading to unrest-violence-misunderstanding Debasis Mitra
ETHICAL ISSUES WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Privacy: Loss of individual uniqueness Possible fatal error Even Database errors was serious enough! Destroying human creativity Debasis Mitra
ETHICAL ISSUES WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Security: Fatal hacking Cyber warfare Smart bombs Killer robots (soldiers, cops, drones, …) Debasis Mitra
ETHICAL ISSUES WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Replacement of humans: Utility function may not be necessarily at proper level (world, national, regional, social group,,,) Accountability is diffused (auto piloted car in accident, smart medicine failing, collateral damage by robo-soldier, racial discrimination by smart loan decider,…) Debasis Mitra
ETHICAL ISSUES WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Understanding human intelligence via simulation with AI: Even at a very broad level: How much do we want to know about us? Any limit? Remember “behavioral psychology” and Skinner training paradigm? Or, superior race of Eugenics? Our “knowledge” is always an increasing but finite - approximation of “infinite” Truth! Be careful in what we “do” with this knowledge. Engineers always face this: design the car in such a way that when its battery is not trustworthy we can replace with different battery type Debasis Mitra
ETHICAL ISSUES WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Rights of AI: Our value system is to protect: human survival, human civilization, national interest, …, individual human, animal, environment on Earth, … Where does a smart agent (hardware or software) falls in this hierarchy? We feel for any “complex” system: cars, pets, robots? Can I “insult” SIRI? There is a feedback loop - I am affected negatively, even if SIRI is not! Debasis Mitra
ETHICAL ISSUES WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Value embedding in AI: Our value system is to protect: human survival, human civilization, national interest, …, individual human, animal, environment on Earth, … Asimov’s 3 rules for robots: 1) Protect human, 2) Obey human unless it violates rule 1, and 3) robots built by a robot must embed all three rules Value evolves in a society: often in opposite direction Even within the same culture, even in your head, values may be conflicting! AI juror, AI judge, AI attorney, AI politician, AI Financier,…? Facebook will censor “False news”, as they should, BUT, can they control it when they WILL need to but their customers will get adapted to? Debasis Mitra
ETHICAL ISSUES WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE “Singularity” and Super-intelligence Sorry, I do not subscribe to this: Intelligence is not 1D (IQ?) But, problems with AI, even domain dependent AI, are real Human intelligence is not just a brain… It is a good “approximate” starting point of science, but there is far more… Debasis Mitra
ETHICAL ISSUES WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE These are tough questions beyond technology, but involving technology Just let your “humanity” remain awake while you work on an AI project, even 1% may do… Stay involved, do not brush these issues aside Will evolve over time (e.g., Auto-car laws) Debasis Mitra