French Immersion and Summer Vacation Parent Information Evening May 31st, 2016 6:30 pm- 7:30 pm
Goals for the evening: provide you with some information about the FI program and give you some practical tips to help your child maintain his-her French and learning over the summer
Two Myths and One Fact Students in French Immersion (FI) learn to translate easily between English and French. Students with diverse learning needs can do well in an FI program. Students in FI do not read or write as well in English as their peers in the English program. Can you spot the fact and the myths? Discuss each. The myth is #3.
I’m going to forget up to 22% of everything I learned this year! C’est l’été! I’m going to forget up to 22% of everything I learned this year! Unless...
Your child will need a break from school, but not from learning. Tips to hold on to the 22% Your child will need a break from school, but not from learning.
Ideas to help maintain learning Read for enjoyment Set aside 20-30 minutes each day Read a family novel and discuss it (any language will do!) Do book talks Visit the library! Play word games (again, any language will do) Learn a new word each day and use it at least 5 times in context Play SCRABBLE (make French words worth double the points)
More ideas Write for many reasons Keep a journal about each day’s events Write captions for photos Use picture prompts to write/tell stories Make them do the heavy lifting when spelling... Watch familiar shows or movies en français Listen to French music ( Ask your child to teach you some French Have fun with Karaoke
And some more ideas Go on excursions to the zoo, the beach and discuss what you did/saw/experienced. Play ‘I Spy’. Set aside one day to have a “French Only” meal (This is where getting your child to teach you some French is handy.). MAKE something each week. Baking-find a recipe en français Creating chain reaction machines Vehicles, robots, etc from found materials
VERBS, glorious VERBS One of the hardest concepts for FI students to master is VERBS and VERB TENSES. Play “VERBO” with your child. Qu’est-ce que c’est? It’s simple: Every time you use an action word, you have to do the action associated with the verb. Let’s try it...
Apps and websites Ici Radio-Canada TV5 French Language Arts Répertoire de sites éducatifs pour les élèves du préscolaire et du primaire Il était une histoire Les Verbes Ici Radio-Canada TV5