Your Journey. Your money. What will happen??? The Game of Life! Your Journey. Your money. What will happen???
Don’t forget to save your work often! Job Research Educational Requirements Does this career require a college or technical degree? How many years of school? Required Skills What skills does this job require? Do you have to have these skills in order to have this career? Salary What annual salary or hourly pay? Does it stay the same or does it increase annually? What is the least you could make? The most? Does education make a difference in salary? Job Duties & Type of Work What is the job description? What hours/days are required to work? Is this a career that can be found in any city? Is this work done inside or outdoors? Job Benefits & Drawbacks What are the benefits of this career? What are some things that may not be so great? Don’t forget to save your work often!
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Education Research Thinking of the career you want, find 2-3 good colleges to go to for that career. Which of those would you most like to attend? Why? How selective is the college/university/technical program you’d like to attend? Research the following: Admit rate Average GPA, SAT, ACT of incoming freshmen List the cost of tuition, room/board, and multiply it by 4.5 years. Useful website:
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Next Step: Write an admission essay Choose one essay question from the following and write a 2 paragraph essay about it. Recount an incident or a time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn? Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again? Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you experience there, and why is it meaningful to you? Pick one woman in history or fiction to converse with for an hour and explain your choice. What would you talk about? What would you want your future college roommate to know about you? What does freedom mean to you?
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Want to get a scholarship? Calculate your GPA Look at your grades on IC For each letter grade, assign the correct number Add up those numbers Divide the number by the number of classes you are taking. List your extracurricular activities Each approved EC is worth .05 pts
Want to get a scholarship? Add your approved ECs to your GPA Multiply that number by 1000 Add in your test scores from AZMerit (Come see me to get these) This total = your overall score. Use this score to apply for a scholarship. You can get up to 80% of your admission fees covered by scholarship! You have to apply for a scholarship by bringing me your number & work. If you do not apply, you will not get a scholarship!
Example Calculation GPA: 4.0 +.05 for Drama Club +.05 for Cross Country =4.10 X1000 GPA: 4100 +3600 for ELA AZ Merit +2900 for Math AZ Merit Grand total: 10,600
You have graduated! Good job!! Time to find a job! Create a resume! First section: Education Second section: Extra- curriculars/activities talk about what you do outside the classroom and what responsibilities you have taken on Third Section: honors/awards Fourth Section: References List 3 references by name and position only Choose people that can attest to your work habits and overall character
Time to find a job! Next step: Interview! Before the interview: Research the company you are hiring for – know about their culture & expectations Practice responses to “typical” interview questions. Brainstorm questions you can ask the interviewer – insightful questions. During the interview: Show up early Dress for success Firm handshake Speak clearly and confidently . Be authentic. LISTEN to the question!! Think about the answer Thank your interviewer!
Typical Interview Questions What interests you about this job? Why would you excel at this job? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Where do you see yourself in five years? Tell me about a time you made a mistake What can you offer us that someone else can not? Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of. Tell me about a time you handled a difficult situation. How would you handle an angry customer/coworke r/parent? What was your biggest failure? Are you a leader? Describe your leadership style. What are your hobbies? What motivates you?
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Great! You got the job! WOOP! How much will you really earn? Google “” In the search box, type in your career Click on the first result – should bring up overview of your career Look at the lowest salary possible – that’s you!
The only thing certain in life is death and taxes… Let’s talk taxes! Go to for help! Fill in the chart on your PPT: Fun time! Using amount from Box #7, predict how much you would like to spend in each category 1 Gross Annual Salary (Before Taxes) < Use your salary determined from Payscale 2 Gross Monthly Salary (Before Taxes) <Divide that salary by 12 4 Annual Taxes <Use “Total Income Taxes” from 5 Monthly Taxes <Divide total from #4 by 12 6 Net Annual Salary After Taxes <Total Income After Taxes 7 Net Monthly Salary After Taxes <Total Income After Taxes/12 This is how much money you actually have each month! Category Amount Car Personal Care Hobbies Education Saving/Investing Travel Housing Charity Social
What’s Your Credit Score? You will need to know your credit score! Take your GPA. Add your extra curriculars (just like before) Multiply by 200. This credit score will help you buy a house & car
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Next grown-Up step! Time to find a house! Use sites like Find a house in the area you want to live You can buy or rent BE REALISTIC. What can you afford on your starting salary? You will need to apply for a loan – Mrs. Pitner is your loan officer – bring her details.
Next next grown-Up step! Time to find transportation! You can buy a car or use public transportation If buying a car, you will need to apply for a loan Look online Shop around for good prices New or Used? If buying used, make sure it doesn’t have too many miles and is in good shape! If it has over 180,000 miles you will have to pay $90/month for upkeep costs. If using public transportation, you will need to factor in cost for bus/train/trolley passes – look up what is available. Is this a good option?
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Create a Budget Using the total from box #7, create a realistic monthly budget that covers these categories: House Payment Car Payment Student Loan Payment Home Insurance Car Insurance (if driving a car) Gas (if driving a car)/if not: public transportation payment Electric Bill - $100/month Phone Bill - $30/month Internet Access - $50/month Water Bill - $30/month Groceries Savings Fun Expenses/Hobbies Additional Expenses
How will you use this information when you go to college/into the workforce? Reflection When everything else is complete, answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES: 1.What did you learn from doing this project? 2.Were you surprised by anything in this project? 3.How will you use this information when you go to college/into the workforce?